Chapter 21- Back where we started(Epilogue)

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I open my eyes slightly, noticing I'm in a room with white walls.  I try to sit up, and everything comes back to me at once. I look around for anyone. I try calling out but I can't talk. Suddenly, I see Will Solace  and one of my half brothers, Nico Di Angelo, come into the room I'm in. Will walks over, probably to do a daily check up. I  can't place it, but something looks a little different about them. Will stops when he sees me awake.

"E-Emily?" He whispers. Nico freezes from where he was messing around with the bandages on the counter. He turns slowly, eyes wide. For a minute, you could hear a pin drop. Then, Nico rushes forward, wrapping me in the tightest hug. Oh and did I mention he was smiling. Nico Di Angelo, Prince of the Underworld, the Ghost King, actually smiled. For me. After getting over the initial shock of Nico hugging someone, I hug back, letting out a small giggle. 

"You seem overly happy." I notice. Nico's smile drops.

"Um-" All of a sudden, Percy and Brandon burst through the door. 

"HE HIT ME FIRST!" Percy and Brandon shout at the  same time, booth pointing at the other. Nico and Will roll their eyes.

"Why do you guys look so hap............"Percy drifts off when he sees me, wrapping me in a hug so fast I don't  even see him move. Brandon sees me and stands shocked like Will did.

"Emily?" He whispers when Percy let's go. Brandon's whole face lights up as he smiles, running over to me, also wrapping me in hug, before pulling back and kissing me softly. 

"I missed you so much." He whispers in my ear, still hugging me. 

"H-how long?" I ask  the question I was dreading. he pulls back a bit.


"How long was I out for?" Everyone's face drops.

"Th-three." Brandon responds. I let out a sigh of relief since he probably means three day or three weeks.

"Years." Will adds in. My eyes go wide. 

"Three years? H-how?" I stutter.

"I don't know. Whatever happened...." Brandon drifts off, string into space. As soon as I start talking, he snaps back to present.

"So...I'm 17?" I ask, Brandon nods.

"It doesn't matter because you're here now." He says, grabbing my hand.  I smile at him and he smiles back.

"I don't mean to be a party-pooper, but I need to do a check up so you all need to leave. She can leave later tonight if everything's fine." Will shoos everyone out of the room after multiple protests (mostly from Brandon and Percy-Nico just walked out while waving and dragging the other two behind him.

------Time Skip brought to you by Bianca Di Angelo and Zoe Nightshade------

"Can I leave yet?" I whine to Will. He just sighs. 

"I already told you. You can leave once Kayla gets here and I do my last check-up. He shift starts at 7:30. How thin is your patience that you can't wait five minutes?" He rolls his eyes at me and I stick out my tongue. 

"I'M HERE!" I hear Kayla call from the main room. I silently start cheering. Will walks in. He does his check-up, asking me random questions then using the stethoscope to check my heartbeat and breathing. 

"You're good to go!" He cheers. I get up slowly and make my way out of the infermary. Brandon sees me and jogs over.

"Hey! You're finally out!" He says, grabbing me hand. I smile, nodding.

"Yup!" I agree, popping the "P". 

"Want to walk?" He asks. I nod. We walk for a while in silence. I start to wonder what he did while I was in my comma. Did he date anyone else? Was he okay? 

"Hey, Brandon?" I ask. He turns to me, then looks worried. I guess I looked nervous.

"It's nothing bad. Just...please be honest. Did you date anyone else when I was in the comma?" I ask nervously.

"I swear on the Styx I didn't date anyone. I love you and only you Emily. That's that." He responds. I notice the sun is setting, and I move closer.

"Well good thing I love you too." I say, pulling him into the best sunset kiss ever. 

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