Chapter 4-I'm confused

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"That's not even possible." Percy says. I don't know if I feel offended or if I'm just that confused.

"Their both big 3." Annabeth looks confused.

"Nice. A half brother." The pale boy from before adds. I'm really confused now.

"Someone needs to back up and explain." I insist.

"Listen, you're lucky you both made it this long. I mean, 2 of the most powerful demigods in one school, so close to each other? I don't understand." Annabeth continues mumbling to herself.

"I guess I'm explaining then." The pale boy starts." I'm Nico, son of Hades by the way. Anyways. What they mean by big three is Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon. They're the 3 brothers. Poseidon, god of the Sea. Zeus, god of the sky, and my dad, Hades, the god of the Underworld. Emily, your dad is Poseidon, and Brandon's dad is Hades. Like mine." Nico finishes.

"That explains why I almost drowned that Empousai thingie before" I say, causing people to look more shocked.

"Looks like I have a new half sister!" Percy says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I smile a little, excited to get to know my new family. I see Nico and Brandon high five.

"Does this mean I have to move my stuff?" I joke. Percy just laughs and nods. 


"Woah! This is sooooo cool! It's all blue!" I squeal, when I enter my new cabin. Apparently, Percy and I are the only ones in this Cabin. Awesome! I'm just finishing putting my stuff away, when I see the door open on it's own. Percy doesn't seem to notice, and if he does, he doesn't question it. I think he does, because he starts talking.

"Hey. I didn't know if you would come." Percy says to the air. Suddenly, Annabeth is standing in front of him.

"Hi. Sorry if I scared you Emily." She apologizes, after giving Percy a quick kiss. 

"I should've told you. Annabeth stays here sometimes. We went through.......some really bad stuff together, and the nightmares are hard. Also, if you ever have a weird dream, it's probably not really a dream, but a warning. Just thought you should know. Not to scare you or anything." Percy explains.

"No, it's fine. Is there a curfew here or can I go outside for a bit?" I ask.

"There is, but you have about 15 minutes." Annabeth replies.

"Be back in 15 then." I say, leaving the cabin. And running right into Nico.

"Sorry!" I apologize quickly. He has a grim expression on. 

"It's...fine." He replies, sighing. 

"Is Brandon here?" I ask. 

"He's just getting settled. Want me to get him for you?" He asks and I nod. A few seconds later, Brandon shows up beside me.

"Woah. That's really cool. You got to show me sometime." He says to Nico. Nico nods, then leaves again.

"Hey. We have 15 minutes. Come on." I drag him back to the dock. We sit, but not with our feet in this time.

"What's up?" He ask, noticing my worry.

"I-I recognize Nico from somewhere. I don't know from where but I know him." I admit.

"We can ask him." He suggests.

"I guess that's a start." I look up at him, and he's looking at me. He leans forward a bit, so do I.

"Emily! Brandon! Hurry before the harpies eat you!" I hear Percy call. We pull back, blushing madly. 

"Um, Goodnight." I say, awkwardly getting up.

"Night."We awkwardly hug before going to our cabins.

Half Sister-A Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus storyWhere stories live. Discover now