Chapter 12-Capture the flag

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"ALRIGHT! EMILY, HEADS OR TAILS?" Chiron calls as I get up on the Poseidon table. It's breakfast and we're picking our capture the flag teams.

"TAILS!" I call back confidently.

"It's......TAILS! Your pick!" Chiron says happily. 

"I pick......" I turn to Percy. I lean down and whisper the teams I want in his ear. He nods after each.

"HADES!" I call. I see Brandon smirk, and Nico roll his eyes.

"ARES!" Leo calls, looking proud.




"HERMES!" (Leo)

"APOLLO!" (Me)

"NEMESIS!" (Leo)

"HECATE!" (Me)

"TYCHE!" (Leo)


"HYPNOS!" (Leo)



"IRIS!" (Me)

"HEBE!" (Leo) (A/N- Correct me if I missed any Cabins :))

"HEAD COUNCILLORS FOR EACH TEAM HAVE 30 MINUTES TO STRATEGIZE!"Chiron calls, and my team rushes over to me. Percy helps me off the table.

"Okay, everyone has a purpose. Annabeth, you're Cabin is good with battle strategy, so you guys will be helping to get the flag. Everyone from your Cabin pair up with an Apollo kid and a Demeter kid. I trust you, Will, and Miranda will figure that out." They nod and rush off to talk to their Cabins. I continue. 

"Butch and Lou Ellen, you guys are on defence, but not guarding the flag. We put our flag by the river. Piper, try to get your cabin to fight, and you and whoever else can charmspeak, do it. Don't try and get the flag, unless you're sure you can, but leave it to the other cabins. Stay close, but not to close." They all nod and rush up to update their Cabins as well.

 "Big 3 kids, we're causing chaos." I whisper my plan to Nico and Jason, and Nico and I rush off to tell our siblings, Jason rushing off to get what we need. All of us meet Jason in his Cabin.

"Okay. I got what you asked. Doesn't mean I'm not confused though." Jason says.

"When are you not confused?" Percy laughs.

"You're one to talk. I like you for years and you didn't even notice." Nico adds in.

"Shut up! I thought I wasn't your type." Percy sticks out his tongue, and Nico returns the gesture. Jason shrugs and sticks out his tongue too. I let out a heavy sigh.

"Idiots. I'm stuck with a bunch of idiots. That's lovely." I say sarcastically. The put their tongues back in.

"Hey!" Brandon says, offended. I laugh and push him playfully.

"Seriously though. We need to get going on this. We only have about 10 minutes." I say, and we get to work.


"HEY! JASON! ARE YOU GUYS SET?!" I call to Jason. He shoots me a thumbs up and a smile. I smile back. We're just about to start capture the flag. The other team runs into the woods when Chiron tells them too. Then we start. The five of us get into position. Percy and Nico are on one side, Brandon and I on the other. Percy learned to control the mist, so it looks like there's only trees. Jason is flying above, also covered from the mist. I see someone on the red team approach. I nod to Percy and he nods back. The kids spots our flag. we put it right in the centre of the river. I recognize the boy as one of the new Hermes kids. I watch the kid step in the water. He asked for it. A wave sweeps over him, knocking him back. That's when I realize the trap. I see Leo and Calypso coming in from behind. I tap Brandon and point to them. Nico an Percy see as well, and I hear wooshing sounds, so I can only assume Jason sees too. So of course, it's five to three now.

"GO!" I shout. I don't know what happens next but people on the other team spring out from every direction, only to be knocked back by waves, dead people, or wind. I work my way effortlessly. Finally, I hear cheering in the distance, signalling that the Blue team won! 

"WE WON!" Percy cries happily. We do a group hug. I see a disappointed Leo. 

"Hey, we didn't even need to use the trap!" Jason exclaims, relieved. I roll my eyes.

"You're right! Let's go celebrate!" And that we did. 

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