Chapter 13-New Prophecy

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"What the Hades?!" I hear Percy screech.

"Percy, SHUT UP! It's like, 3 in the morning." I shush him.

"Uhhhhh, there's a problem." He says, I sigh, then roll over. Then scream.

"Well, I guess the war is starting. Quest time!" I say sarcastically. 

"UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I hear from outside.

"PERCY!" I hear Nico shout angrily. He storms into our cabin, soaked. Then he spots the skeletons in our room, closing in on us. He wills them to back to wherever it is they came from, and I drain all the water from his clothes.

"Well, I guess the war is starting." I conclude. Brandon walks in, extremely grumpy and soaked. I resist the urge to laugh. I drain the water from his clothes as well.

"Thanks." He says after a yawn.

"What are we going to do about this? We have to stop it before they ruin the whole camp with their childish games." I decide. 

"No dip, Sherlock." Brandon adds unhelpfully. I glare at him and he smiles back sarcastically.

"Okay..... I guess this means Nico and I have to be involved. Great." Percy points out. Nico shakes his head vigorously. 

"No way. I've been through Tartarus, on my own, I deserve a break." Nico disagrees. Percy rolls his eyes.

"I have been too, and so has Annabe-"

"I'm sorry. Back up a minute. Tartarus like, the Tartarus?" I ask in shock. Percy and Nico both nod.

"Okay continue." I say.

"As I was saying, we've all had our fair share. Especially us. But, this is between our parents. I have a plan. I can't tell you but go along with it." Percy tells us. I look him in the eyes, and I can tell exactly what he's planning. He nods.

"Sorry." I say, before I unleash the water onto the Hades kids. I hear them screaming as they crash through the door on a wave. I can tell they're angry, because skeletons start popping up. Percy is slashing them with Riptide, but I keep forgetting to get a weapon, so I fight them with my hands. We're not even tired by the time we've destroyed them all. 

"We need to talk to Chiron, and issue a quest." Percy decides, leading the way.

"Wait! Can we go to the armory?!" I call to him. He looks confused htne shrugs.

"Sure." He leads me to the armory.

"I didn't pick a weapon yet." I admit to him when confusion washes over him again.

"Oh, okay. I thought you did." He says, picking up a random dagger and rolling it between his hands. I pick up a long sword. It fits perfectly in my hands. I also grab 2 daggers and a bow and arrow. The sword turns into a mini flashlight. When you press the off button, the flashlight turns on, and when you touch the on button, it turns into the sword. I hide the daggers into my little boots, swing the bow over my shoulder, and strap the quiver around my waist.

"Okay. All set." Percy stares at me in shock.

"You're going to take all of that?" He asks, surprised. I nod, and we walk silently to the big house.

"That's quite the ensemble you've got there." Chiron chuckles when we get to the Big house.

"I need to be ready for anything." I say.

"Indeed. I'm assume you're hear to talk to the Oracle and get a quest. Rachel is leaving tomorrow, so you're in luck." Chiron smiles. 

"Who's Rachel?" I ask.

"Rachel is the new Oracle. She took over the spirit of Delphi." Percy explains quickly.

"She should be in her cave." Chiron says.


Green mist spewed from Rachel's mouth. 

"5 must travel to the west,

Loose one to an endless rest,

The one of fire you must seek,

By the stars, the sun and the mountains peak." She says in someone else's voice. She flops over and Percy catches her. She opens her eyes after a second.

"What's the Prophecy?" Rachel asks.

"Didn't you just say it?" I ask, confused.

"The spirit of Delphi takes over, so I don't know what I'm saying." She explains. 

"Oh. Well the Prophecy was, 5 must travel to the west, loose one to an endless rest, the one of fire you must seek, by the stars, the sun, and the mountains peak."I recite. Just then, Annabeth comes rushing in, breathless.

"PERCY! COME QUICKLY!" She shouts. Rachel, Percy, and I rush after Annabeth.

"What happened?!" Percy shouts, looking at the mess.

"I forgot you're water resistant. Will yourself to get wet and touch the ground." Annabeth instructs. I do as she says, and so do Rachel and Percy.

"I assume you already know the war is started. that saves me one conversation." Percy sighs.

"We still need to talk about this prophecy." I remind him.

"What prophecy?" Annabeth asks.

"That's why we were with Rachel. We went to issue a quest. You tell her." Percy turns to me.

"5 must travel to the west, loose one to an endless rest, the one of fire you must seek, by the stars, the sun, and the mountains peak." I recite, again.

"Oh my gods. Who are the five?" She ask, getting straight down to business.

"I don't know. I'm assuming me." I add. 

"Probably Percy, Nico, and Brandon too. But Percy's not going. And Nico isn't either. And if they are, I'm coming too." Annabeth decides. I admire her courage.

"Well, I guess I have people to pick!" I say sarcastically.

"Wait, you don't always get to choose. For the prophecy of seven, we didn't choose. We were chosen by Hera." Annabeth adds before I go.

"Oh. So should I up Hera?" I ask.

"That's not.....actually, you could Iris-Message her. But maybe nor Hera." Percy remembers.

"Who should I message then?" I ask.

"Maybe dad? I don't know. It's not a great Prophecy, so you probably need to pick your people." Percy reasons.

"Ok. Then I guess I'm off to pick people." With that, I rush off to find Brandon.

Half Sister-A Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus storyWhere stories live. Discover now