Chapter 19- WHAT THE HADES?!?!

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"Son." Hades's voice filled the throne room. Everyone got down on their knees and bowed before the god of the Underworld.

"Hi Lord Hades." Brandon responds.

"I already know why you're here, but I'm disappointed you brought the Poseidon girl with you." Hades said with look of disgust. 

"Listen, Lord Hades. I understand you're upset with my father, so am I to be honest, but there's a lot of innocent demigods at camp waiting for a break, including your children." I add in. Hades glares at me, but it softens by the end. 

"I understand you've met all of my children, including the Roman side." He states. I nod.

"Lord Hades, what does that have to do with the quest? Not to be rude or anything." Lou Ellen quickly adds.

"I was curious. Now, young niece, it will take a lot more convincing then that." Hades turns back to me.

"I knew this would be hopeless." Brandon mutters. Hades's head snapped in his direction.

"What was that?" He asked, his tone deadly.

"I said, I knew this would be hopeless. Am I wrong? Because I really don't see this going anywhere. We came all this way for nothing because you can't even help us." Brandon turned and started to walk away.

"Come back here young man."Hades demanded. Brandon kept walking. The next line of the prophecy kept repeating in my head. 

"Brandon! The next line of the prophecy!" I yelled to him. He froze in his tracks. He ran back but it was too late.

"He's frozen in time. FIX HIM!" Brandon yelled at his father. I was trying not to cry, but a few years escaped. Brandon also had tears running down his face. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." I whispered. He pulled back and looked at me.

"It's my fault too." He said, kissing me. Then Hades interrupted.

"Ahem. Would you mind not kissing in front of an audience?" He glared.

"You literally just froze my best friend. What did you expect?" Brandon retorted. Hades rolled his eyes.

"If you let me keep him frozen, I won't go to war with your father." He said, turning back to me again. 

"You're crazy." I said, tears spilling down my face, but more now.

"You may keep the statue." Hades ignores my comment. I scowl. Brandon looks angry, so I grab his hand. 

"Listen Lord Hades, I really didn't want to do this but-" Cecil interrupts himself by pressing a button, along with a high whistle. All of a sudden, some famous people are in front of us.

"What did you do this time Dad?" Nico asks, rolling his eyes.

"Lovely family reunion, isn't this Uncle?" Percy adds on. His eyes have more worry in them than usual, and I see why when I look over at Annabeth.

"You're pregnant?! How long were we gone for?!" I point out. She laughs a little.

You've been gone for 2 weeks. I was pregnant for a week before you came. That's the little bulge here. " She says. I stand there, shocked. Hades rolls his eyes.

"Sorry! I came as soon as I could! Reyna was holding a meeting!" Hazel says, dropping in from the stair case entrance, Frank, Piper and Jason close behind.

"Reyna had to stay at camp but she would've loved to be here. So would Leo but Chiron needed him for something right away." Jason adds.

"Why have you invited all these people, Hermes child?" Hades demands.He just shrugs.

"I thought if we had all your kids here, plus some really strong people, we could actually win this. Also Percy, Annabeth and Nico are really good convincers." Cecil replies.

"Well I didn't wan to do this but, PERSEPHONE! COME TELL THESE CHILDREN TO GET OUT OF MY PALACE!" He calls. I hear a sigh from the other room, then footsteps, before a really pretty goddess walks into the room.

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