Chapter 20- We stan Persephone

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"Hades, what did I say about freezing people in shadows?" Persephone asked in a sweet but harsh tone. Hades's glare softened.

"I know, I know. It's not my fault my son was being impossible!" He argued. The gooddess rolled her eyes.

"Hades, unfreeze him." Persephone demanded. 

"I will make them a deal. This satyr, for another person." Hades negotiates.

"Hades-" Persephone starts.

"That's my offer. Make your decision, mortals." Hades says, getting annoyed. Persephone sighs, giving us an apologetic glance. I step forward.

"I'll trade spots with him." I say. Brandon's head snaps towards me, eyes wide.

"No! You can't do this!" Brandon shouts, crying as I take another step towards his dad. I'm crying too, but this is worth it.

"WAIT!" Someone shouts. I turn around to see a boy I've never met before. He looks really broken and sad, tears staining his cheeks. Although, I don't think he's really here, just in an Iris message.

"Pollux?" I hear Percy ask. The boy nods.

"I heard about your quest, and I knew you would need a sacrifice. I want to be with my brother now." Pollux tells us. Everyone looks taken aback.

"We-we can't let you do that." Percy states.

"I would accept the boys offer. Just say deal and the boy may meet with his brother in Elysium." Hades agrees.

"Deal." Pollux agrees, ignoring the protests. Suddenly, the Iris message is only a room in Camp Half-Blood, with no one in it. Everyone is crying now. Brandon runs up to me and hugs me tight.

"Don't you ever attempt something stupid like that again, got it?" He asks. I nod into his chest, my tears soaking his shirt and his soaking mine.

"You may leave now." Is the last thing I hear before the darkness takes over.

As soon as the light hits my eyes, I pass out. 

Half Sister-A Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus storyWhere stories live. Discover now