Chapter 3-Camp Half Blood

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"I don't see any camp." I say.

"Just shut up and follow me." Josh shushes. As we get close, I see a tree with a gold.....fleece? Weird. Then we get into the camp.

"Woah." I breathe.

"Josh!" Someone calls. I see a girl with green skin running up to us.

"I thought you were hurt!" The girl cries. Josh just holds her reassuring her.

"Why don't you guys go to that house over there? Meet Mr.D and Chiron." I shrug and Brandon and I head to the house.


"Why do we still hold these meeting? I mean it's not like there's any more enemy?" I hear a boy with brown hair and sea green eyes complain. The blonde girl he's holding hands with rolls her eyes.

"Because we're head councillors, Seaweed Brain." She replies.

"Um hi." I say, waving awkwardly at all the people in the room. Everyone looks at Brandon and I.

"Hey! I'm Percy. I'm guessing you're new here?" The boy from before-Percy- says. I nod.

"I'll go get Chiron. Be right back." He says rushing off.

"Hi. I'm Percy girlfriend Annabeth. What's your name?" The blonde girl asks.

"I'm Emily and this is my best friend Brandon." I respond.

"Do you know your godly parent?" Another girl asks walking up to us. She has rainbow eyes and choppy brown hair.

"I'm Piper by the way."She adds.

"What do you mean.... godly parent?" Brandon asks.

"Well, this camp is a camp for half bloods. Half him, half god. You wouldn't be able to come in unless you were a half blood or Satyr. Which I'm assuming you're not since you seem pretty clueless." Annabeth explains. Percy burst through the door with......

"A centaur?" I ask.

"Yes. That is correct. I'm Chiron. The camp activities director." He introduces himself.

"Hi? I'm Emily and that's Brandon." I say awkwardly. Okayyyy so I guess this really is real then.

"You look a lot like someone I knew." A pale boy with almost black hair says. 

"I do?" I ask.

"Percy, doesn't she look like Bianca?" He turns to Percy.

"You're right! She does." Percy says. The boy goes paler. I wonder what that was about. 

"Well, I should show you to the Hermes Cabin." Chiron interrupts. He glances at a cheery boy with blond hair, blue eyes and super cute freckles. 


"This place seems nice." I say to ease the awkwardness. 

"Thank you. This is where you'll be staying until you get claimed. Dinner is in about ten minutes, so you have a bit of time to get settled. If you need anything, talk to Connor or Travis. They're the two that look like twins but are actually brothers. They'll probably be causing mischief. If you can't find them, you can always come to me." The centaur smiles at us and trots off. Brandon and I silently pick two empty bunks. We're just done settling in when a horn blows.

"I guess it's dinner time then." He says. We walk down to eat.

Dinner is done pretty quickly. Brandon and I decide to walk around. We end up by the canoe lake, so we decide to sit on the dock with our feet in the water. We don't say anything, but the silence is comfortable. Soon enough, Josh finds us.

"Hey guys! You're going to miss your first campfire! Come on!" We look to each other and follow Josh. The fire is huge and turning different colours. Everyone is singing. Perfect. Maybe I can make a good impression.

"Hey Brandon, grab a guitar." I smile at him and he grabs one of the guitars. He looks at what the others are playing and joins in. The lyrics keep repeating themselves, so I join in singing. Soon, everyone is looking at us, shocked expressions on their faces. Finally we finish the song. Everyone is cheering and clapping. Suddenly thought, there's a bright light, and everyone goes extremely silent. I look up and I see that there's a bright blue Trident above my head. I look over to Brandon who has a scull over his. I guess this is what everyone meant by being claimed.

Half Sister-A Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus storyWhere stories live. Discover now