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"Well?" Annoyance was written all over Niall's face. I looked at Harry, wondering if he was going to answer, or if I had to. Although I was hoping he'd be the one to tell Niall we had plans that did not include him. 

"It's not a big deal mate." Harry chuckled. "Ava and I have plans today." In that moment I could tell Niall wasn't happy with the words that just came out of Harry's mouth. There was confusion in his eyes before it was filled with annoyance.

"What, like a date?" Niall snapped at Harry. 

"..No" Harry chuckled, although he had hesitated a bit.  

"So you thought it was okay to go behind my back?" Niall angrily asked Harry, taking a step closer to him. "Were you even going to tell me?" 

"What's the issue? She's not your girl." Harry stated while also taking a step forward, making Niall's eyes fill with anger. 

"Look there's no need to make a big deal out of this." I interrupted the two before Niall could respond. "Niall, why don't you join us?" Hoping that would solve the unnecessary problem, my offer caused Niall to turn his attention to me.  I couldn't read the expression on his face, although that didn't surprise me. Niall has always been difficult to read.   

"Niall has stuff to do. Don't you Niall?" Harry said, a  slight smirk on his face. "Matter of fact, aren't you running late already?" Harry's voice was filled with amusement. Whatever was going on was confusing me. Harry seemed to be emphasizing the fact that Niall had to do something, as if in a teasing matter. 

"Prick." Niall muttered as he turned to glare at Harry. 

 "Okay, relax mate." Louis interrupted, taking a step towards the two. "Don't worry, nothing is going to happen. I'll be there." He said, trying to make his friend feel better. 

"Who said you could come?" Harry raised an annoyed eyebrow at Louis in which Louis answered with my name. 

"I-I didn't think you'd mind if he joined us. I'm sorry." I told Harry hoping he wasn't upset at the fact that I invited Louis without his consent. Yeah Harry and I have talked, but I had to admit he'd make me a tad bit nervous if it was just him and I alone just because I don't really know him. That is the reason why I was so quick to ask Louis to join us, because Louis was my friend and I knew things wouldn't be awkward if he came with us. Also I didn't want anyone, especially Harry, to get the wrong idea. 

"Oh-" Harry said. "No, of course I don't mind." He smiled down at me. 

"You see Nialler. Nothing to worry about." Louis' cheery voice stated. 

"Louis, why don't you take Ava to the car?" Harry said as he pulled his keys out of his pockets, extending his hand out with the keys to Louis. "I'm just going to have a quick chat with Niall." Harry said. This made Louis hesitant to do as Harry said, but then Harry said, "Go on" causing Louis to take the keys from him.

I took one last look at Niall who was already looking at me before Louis pulled me away.

"What's Niall's issue?" I asked once we were already in the car. I was in the passenger seat while Louis was in the middle backseat. He scooted closer towards me, shrugging his shoulders. 

"You know how he is." Louis huffed. "He's odd. He seems to be a little.." Louis hummed as he tried to find the right word. "..possessive over you."   

"Possessive? I don't belong to him and I'm not an object." I chuckled. "He ignores me in classes and hasn't spoken to me since Wednesday. Now you mean to tell me he seems possessive over me?" 

"Like I said at the mall.. I'm sure he fancies you." Louis teased. "That's not funny." I rolled my eyes, dismissing his false claim. I turned my attention to the two guys standing a couple of yards away from us who seemed to be slightly arguing. Were they really arguing because of this?

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