Chapter 13

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Dedicated to Jojosaurus because of our amazing conversation and because you are just too cool :D PACMAN!!! ;)

Heya guys :D

Well, I promised I would upload tomorrow, but it was already done and I couldn't wait :) I hope you guys couldn't either :D So, hope you guys enjoy it - it's an INTENSE chapter :D

Hope you enjoy <3


(P.S. Thanks so much! You are amazing <3 )


Liza P.O.V.

Tuesday. Why couldn't the week go faster?

Today I would have to face Wes again. How could we keep our relationship normal after what had happened? Or should I say, didn't happen? We could no longer be normal friends, and it made me a little angry. Why did he have to go and ruin our friendship?

I'll get there someday.

His words echoed in my head as my dad drove me to school again. He had sounded too confident, too sure that it would happen. And somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew that it would never, ever happen. I wouldn't, and I couldn't.

That was my problem.

Wes was so nice, so kind, so caring, but he knew that I didn't want him like that. And he still thought he was going to chase me?

I should have never become friends with him. You know that boys are too complicated - they always mess everything up. That's why you stayed away from them in the first place. Remember?

Sighing, I got out of the car and started walking across the parking lot towards the school. I couldn't see Wes anywhere, but I did notice Sarah scanning the crowd, so I hurried inside, not wanting to put up a fake act already.

I got out my books for my next class and closed my locker. And when I turned around, my breath caught in my throat.

Brent was leaning against a locker across the hallway, not looking at me. I didn't think he had noticed me yet. I wanted to move, run away before he could see me, but I was frozen in awe.

He wore dark blue jeans and a plain white T-shirt. A black, leather jacket hung over his muscular frame, which was outlined perfectly by the shirt. But what caught my attention most was his wet hair. Water droplets glistened as the sun from the window hit it, making the black seem to sparkle.

He slowly turned his head, and caught me staring. He didn't smile, he didn't smirk, he just stared straight back. It wasn't judgmental, just curious, and he cocked his head to the side.

I gasped softly as I saw his eyes. They were encircled by grey, showing how he had barely slept. They only looked at me, as if they were too tired to show any emotion.

The bell rang, and then Brent's face suddenly hardened. He turned away without saying a word. Stuffing his hands in his pockets angrily, he walked away, leaving me standing alone in the empty hallway.


I walked like a ghost out of the classroom as the bell for lunch rang. I didn't talk to anyone, and no one talked to me. I had managed to avoid my 'friend' trio, but even though I wasn't avoiding him, I couldn't seem to find Wes anywhere.

Tame My Heart... Or Elseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن