Chapter 5

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The next few weeks went by in a blur, i was busy with work, physical therapy, and training new nurses. Today Mr. Henderson is being discharged, and it's a bittersweet moment. I'm going to miss the old guy, he quickly became one of my favorite patients, but at the same time i'm so happy that he's better and is able to go home.

"What are we gonna do without the old guy giving us hell?" Lena asked.

"Oh don't worry, there will be plenty more patients to pick up where he left off." We laughed and i picked up his discharge papers, then made my way into his room. "Anddddd you're a free man as soon as you sign these papers!"

"Finally! I'm tired of this damn place, only good thing about this place was i got to see your pretty face everyday!"Mr. Henderson grinned at me, his usually gummy smile. "Now how am i gonna be able to see you? Do i gotta bust my other hip?"

"No, no, no! Let's not do all of that! If i have to see you again i would prefer for it to be outside of this hospital."

"I just want to thank you again for how well you took care of him, this is such an amazing hospital and an even more amazing staff. You made it much more pleasant each and every day and for that i thank you!" Susan smiled at me warmly, and i returned it happily. They really are the sweetest.

"Oh it was no problem at all!" I helped Mr. Henderson into a wheel chair much to his annoyance, then wheeled him out of the hospital to the car that Colby had parked out front waiting. I helped him into the car and said goodbye then made my way back into the hospital and to the nurses station.

"These were brought in for you while you were helping Mr. Henderson out! They are goregeous, who are they from?!" Lena handed me a beautiful red glass vase that was home to an even more beautiful bouquet of roses and sunflowers. I took the card out and read it, i didn't know whether to roll my eyes or smile...So i did both!


Grandpa isn't your patient anymore, so you can have dinner with me! Tonight? ;) -Colby

"It's from Colby. He's been trying to get me to go out with him, but i kept telling him no because his grandpa was my patient. He just said since his grandpa isn't my patient anymore i can have dinner with him tonight." I explained to Lena with an eye roll.

"Aww, that's so cute! And believe me you could do worse, you should totally go for it!" She encouraged with a excited smile on her face.

"Oh, i don't know, work keep me busy enough. I don't need to add men to that." I waved her off but she just rolled her eyes and completely ignored my attempt of changing the subject.

"You should give him a chance! He's only had eyes for you the whole time his grandpa was here."

"I don't know....i'll think about it.." I was back to making my rounds, by the time my shift was over i was exhausted.

I got cursed out by a patient because she couldn't find her glasses, which were on top of her head, and she didn't want to listen when i told her where they were, and continued to insist that i stole them. Why i would need to steal someone else's reading glasses..your guess is as good as mine.. Then i had a person tell me i was trying to poison them because the hospital food tastes like ass....i got into it with another nurse because she asked me to help her give her patient medicine because he wasn't letting her, only for me to look at his file and see that the medicine she was going to give him he's very allergic to. I yelled at her for not paying attention to the file and that she could have killed him, she needs to pay better attention to those things.

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