Chapter 22

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I'm thirty six weeks today, and baby girl was not allowing us to get a good picture of her this time. Pregnancy wise everything is great, Colby and I's relationship on the other hand is a different story. He's been so distant lately, ever since the week after the shopping trip. At first i was confused, i don't understand how he could just flip and do a complete 180 in just a week. I don't know what happened. But now? I'm pissed, and i want answers!

Colby wasn't here for this appointment and i'm furious, he hasn't missed an appointment this whole time and now suddenly he can't make it? What the hell is his problem?! I've tried talking to Chris and Anthony about it but they are being vague and it's only increasing my confusion and anger. I've talked to his family and they have no clue what's going on with him but they promised to try and find out for me.

It's all just too much right now. Is he starting to freak out because there's only four more weeks until Lily is here? Is he not attracted to me anymore because my body has changed so much? Does he not want to be with me anymore? So many questions were going through my mind and i couldn't answer any of them, and it's irritating me.

The longer i sat there in my thoughts the more worked up i got, i decided to call Colby's receptionist and see if he's in since he won't answer my phone calls or texts. When she told me he was at lunch and the diner he was at i didn't hesitate to get up and call Jonah to come get me and take me there. I'm getting answers out of him, and if that means cornering him while he's in a lunch meeting then so be it. He's brought this on himself.

"Whoa, what's going on with you? You look like you're about to go to war." Jonah said looking at me wide eyed when i climbed into his car and slammed the door shut. I quickly filled him in on everything and i saw his hands clench the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white.

"Do you think he's freaking out because it's so close to my due date? Do i disgust him now that i'm huge? I don't understand how he can do a complete 180. We were fine....and now he never answers my calls or texts, and when we do talk he snaps at me...i don't know what's going on.." I exclaimed in frustration, trying to keep the tears back.

"I will kick his ass for snapping on you! He doesn't need to be acting like this when you need him now more than ever." Jonah gritted through his teeth angrily.

"No, that won't solve anything. I just want answers and i seriously feel like cornering him when he's not expecting it is the only way to do that at this point." I shook my head looking out the window, we drove to the diner and got out, i went inside and looked around until i spotted him and then i stomped over to him.. PISSED.

"So this is why you've been acting weird? You're seeing this skank behind my back still?! How long has this been going on, Colby?!" I was seething. How dare this motherfucker cheat on me with this whore again! How fucking stupid am i not to see that this would happen? That if he's going to cheat on me once he's going to continue to cheat! I should have known if i forgave him he would take it as a 'she'll take me back no matter what' and continue to do it.

"Who are you calling a skank?!" Lauren exclaimed angrily.

"You, bitch! You just can't stop can you? You're not happy until you're making someone else miserable. You're not happy until you're ruining someone's relationship." I'm so pissed off i'm shaking, it's taking everything in me not to go over this table and punch them both!

"I beg to differ! I'm not making Colby miserable, not at all!" She was smirking at me and i swear it just made the anger inside me burn all the hotter.

"Luna, don't make a scene." Colby said quietly. Is he fucking kidding me right now?! I'm pregnant with his child, about to freaking pop, and i just catch his stupid ass cheating with the same bitch he cheated on me before and he's telling me not to make a scene right now? I don't think so!

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