Chapter 32

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I made it to Colby's house and saw my friends' cars were in the driveway. I sighed and leaned my head against the steering wheel for a second. Don't get me wrong i love seeing my friends, and hanging out with them as much as i can.. But i'm exhausted. I was up all night with Lily, then turned around and had to work. All i want to do is cuddle my baby and go to sleep.

After a few minutes and a couple more heavy sighs i got out of the car and made my way into Colby's house. We're going to be staying with him until Jonah gets back because he's paranoid that something is going to happen if we're alone.

"Lulu!" Tara squealed as soon as i walked through the front door.

"What's up?" Brie asked with a smile on her face.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked. It came out a little harsher than i meant for it to.

"Well, happy to see you too!" Brie said looking at me with narrowed eyes.

"I didn't mean i'm not happy to see you guys..I'm just exhausted. I want to cuddle up to my baby and go to bed." I explained apologetically.

"Rough night?" Tara asked concerned.

"You could say that. I got maybe an hour of sleep and then had to get up and get ready for work. Lily was colicky last night and wouldn't stop crying.." I said as i walked over and took my baby from Brie and cuddled her, i inhaled her baby scent, letting it instantly relax me and i smiled as i kissed her forehead.

"Hey, beautiful! Mommy missed you so much." I sat down on the couch and looked up from my daughter when Colby started speaking to me.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I could have taken her for a while." Colby pointed out.

"I tried. You weren't budging. Even with a screaming baby in your ear..." I would never say this out loud, but that's why i never let him keep her over night by himself. He's so much of a heavy sleeper that i'm afraid he won't wake up when she starts crying. Last night kind of proved my point...

"I'm sorry.." He said apologetically.

"It's fine. I'm her mother, i don't need breaks. I take care of my responsibilities no matter how exhausted i am." I disclosed.

"Sooo how was work?" Brie broke the awkward silence and i shrugged my shoulders and nuzzled my daughter.

"It was long. We have a new doctor, so all the ladies were going nuts over him. He's actually a really nice guy, very polite." I explained.

"Is he hot?" Tara smirked.

"He's definitely easy on the eyes....he stopped me before i left tonight and asked me out for coffee or drinks." I confessed.

"Ahhhh! What did you say?!" Brie squealed excitedly.

"Shouldn't you be worried about fixing your relationship with your daughter's father instead of worrying about trying to get dates with other men?" Chris scoffed. "You're a mother, you have responsibilities."

Okay, that just pissed me off. How fucking dare he?! How dare he say anything about my responsibilities like i don't take care of my child.

"You know what?! I know i'm a mother, and i do take care of my responsibilities. I have Lily from the time i wake up to the time i go to bed, unless i'm at work. I am the one up at all hours of the night when she's colicky, i'm the one that feeds her, changes her diapers, gives her baths, and stays up all night comforting her when she's sick. I am the one that takes her to her doctor's appointments and makes sure she has everything she needs. I do do my job as a mother and take care of my responsibilities. So don't you fucking dare sit there and act like i don't and i pass everything off onto everyone else." I was seething mad!

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