Chapter 6

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It's been two weeks, and Colby and I have went out every single night. On our fifth date he asked me to be his girlfriend and i finally agreed. I decided i needed to put myself out there again, i can't let what my ex did to me stop me from being happy and finding love. Colby is the perfect guy to explore that happiness with, he's the perfect gentleman.

I had just gotten off the night shift at the hospital, when i arrived home i stopped to get my mail on the way into my apartment. I've been neglecting my mailbox the last couple days, and it's starting to show. I thumbed through all of my mail after i tossed my keys into the little dish on the table.




Junk mail.

I froze in my place as i looked at the next piece of mail i was holding in my hand. I slowly sat down on the couch and felt my heart sink as i read what was written.

Wedding Invitation...


We invite you to celebrate the wedding of Brittany Briagas & Ronnie Baxter!

Sunday, January 20, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. At 530 Silkwood Dr.

They are getting married..My sister and ex are getting married...tomorrow...TOMORROW?! Shit, shit, shit! That means i'd have to leave tonight to get there, do i even wanna go? If i don't it'll look like i'm not over him...I can't go alone! Without even thinking i grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed Colby's number.

"Hey, gorgeous, how was work?" He answered on the third ring.

"Colby...." I couldn't even continue, i didn't even know what to say. I'm just speechless. I can't believe they are getting married, and had the nerve to invite me as if everything is okay. Like they both didn't completely shatter my heart into a billion pieces.

"What's wrong?" He asked in concern.

"Um, are you free tonight and tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Why what's up?"

"Will you go with me to a wedding tomorrow? We'd have to leave tonight to make it in time... I'm sorry it's such short notice, i just got the invite." I explained still staring down at the invite. I'm so nervous to face them again, i haven't seen either of them since i walked out of our apartment that night. I haven't even talked to them.

"Are you alright? You sound off...and yeah i'll go with you...I'll get my stuff packed up and meet you at your apartment."

"Yeah, i'm fine, i'm just a little speechless right now...They are getting married, Colby..." My voice was emotionless, but the feelings i am feeling inside aren't so quiet.

"Who is?" He asked in confusion.

"My sister and my ex..." The line was silent for a moment, i pulled the phone away to see if he had hung up, but he's still there.

"I'm on my way." He hung up and i went into my bedroom in a daze, i changed into something comfy for the car ride and started packing some clothes for the wedding and also to change into after it's over. I was wearing a crop top hoodie, high waisted leggings, and Nike sneakers. I put my hair up in a messy ponytail and just reapplied my mascara and eyeliner. I grabbed my bag and took it out to the living room to wait for Colby. About fifteen minutes later he was knocking on my door.

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