Chapter 29

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It's been three weeks since i had Lily, things have been a little hectic. Between taking care of a newborn, getting Colby into a therapist to get help, and then him entering a two week program that offered him group therapy, one on one therapy, and different ways of managing depression, and your's been crazy.

But, it seems to be doing him some good. I think talking through his emotions with people who's been through the same thing as him, and then learning how to handle things in a healthy manner have really helped him.

However, it's gonna take more than three weeks to overcome everything and get to a healthy mindset. But, i've kept my promise and have been there for him every step of the way, and i will continue being there for him.

Now, onto the biggest thing...Lauren's trial....she's being sentenced today, and i need to be there. I mean, it's not mandatory that i be there, but i need to see her pay for everything she's done. She could have killed me, she could have killed Lily, she could have killed Jonah... and she needs to pay for that..

I'm wearing a pink and white off the shoulder floral shirt, ripped blue jeans, and light grey strappy heels. My hair is waved, and i've got grey smokey eye make up on and lip gloss. Once i got myself dressed, i changed Lily's diaper and got her dressed as well. I dressed her in a white onesie with a black heart that says 'mama is my bestie' and black pants, rose gold booties, and a big white bow on her head. She looks adorable.

I got her diaper bag packed up and then put her in her car seat and strapped her in. I put the diaper bag over my shoulder, lifted her seat onto my forearm and then walked into the living room.

"You ready to go?" Jonah asked as soon as i walked into the room.

"Yes, i'm ready to see this bitch behind bars." I said a pissy look on my face. Just the thought of this bitch brings rage burning through me.

"Are we waiting on Colby to get here?" He asked.

"No. He's going to meet us there." We walked out to the car and i put the diaper bag on the floorboard, i locked the car seat into the stand and then went and got into the car. We drove to the courthouse and my nerves were all over the place, i really hope she doesn't get away with this. I will be so angry.

We got to the courthouse and met up with Colby and we all made our way into the courtroom. We weren't even sitting in there fifteen minutes when they brought Lauren in, she was in an orange jumpsuit and i couldn't help but smirk. I hope to God that's what she will remain in for a while. She can't get away with what she did. Not long after her, the judge entered.

"Okay, let's get down to business." He said as soon as we all took our seats. "Miss Sommers, you are in here today on the charges of a felony hit and run, endangering the life and welfare of an infant, and for failing to stop at a traffic light... Do you have anything to say for yourself? Do you feel any remorse for what you've done?" The judge asked looking right at Lauren.

"No, the bitch deserved it! I'd do it again in a heartbeat, only this time i'd get the job done!" She spat as she turned and glared at me, i felt anger boiling inside of me. The only thing keeping me from jumping over and strangling the bitch was my sleeping baby in my arms.

"Your actions are absolutely appalling and disgusting, Miss Sommers. You recklessly put the lives of both mother and child in danger with your carelessness and you show absolutely no remorse for your actions. I am sentencing you to no less than fifteen years to be served in full. Maybe while you're in a small cell you'll realize just what you've done and will learn from your actions. We are done here, next case." The judge was looking at Lauren in disgust. As the guards were getting her up she spun around and tried to launch herself at me.

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