Chapter 31

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Work is hectic today, we have a new doctor coming to work here, Dr. Wallace. I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get my rounds done before my lunch break. I'm tired as all hell because Lily was very colicky last night so i didn't get much sleep.

"Luna! Wait up, there's someone i'd like you to meet." Lena called out. I was so frazzled at this point that i had to keep myself from snapping at her.

"I'm sorry, Lena. I really need to get my rounds done so i can take my lunch break. I'll meet up with you before i go to lunch." I assured her not even stopping to look at her, i'm agitated, tired, and hungry. Not a good combination to be meeting people on.

"It'll only take a minute, i promise!" She exclaimed. I sighed heavily and ran a frustrated hand through my hair as two call lights went off at the same time. I spun around to face her and froze when i saw a tall, very attractive man beside her. Like very very attractive...

"This is our new doctor!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Luna Briagas, nice to meet you." I gave him a weak smile.

"Ashton Wallace, pleasure to meet you as well." We shook hands and despite trying to ignore it i couldn't help but to think how hot his hands are. They are big, strong, and the perfect mix of both calloused and soft.

Jesus Christ, Luna! You sound like a horny teenager, i know it's been a long time since you've had sex, but damn!

"It was nice meeting you, but i really have to finish my rounds!" I peeled my hand from his reluctantly and then turned and went into the nearest room that had their call light on.

Get it together, Luna. You don't need a relationship of any kind, you have too much going on to add to it. Besides, you're a single mother now. Who's going to want all of that?

I finished my rounds and then went to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Luna! Over here." I looked over and saw Lena sitting at a table with Dr. Wallace, and he was surrounded by females. Go figure.

"What's up?" I asked walking over.

"Sit with us!" She begged. I sighed and sunk down into a chair and sipped on my coffee and picked at my muffin.

"Nice to see you again, Luna! How's that gorgeous little baby doing?" Nora asked me with a smile.

"She's getting too big, too fast! I was up all night with her, she was very colicky." I sighed feeling fatigued. But despite being so tired i couldn't bring myself to regret any of this. I love my daughter more than anything, and she makes the sleepless nights so worth it. I pulled up a picture, because since i've had her i've had to show everyone i meet a picture to brag. I'm just so proud to be her mommy, she's so cute.

The picture showed Lily sitting up on my bed, she's wearing a white tank top with a striped white and black skirt, with a matching black and white strapped head band with a gold bow attached to it. She was staring at the camera like 'Really, mom? More pictures?' i think she gets tired of how many pictures i take of her. But i can't help it, my baby is the most adorable baby in the world.

"Oh my goodness! She's so precious!" Nora coo'd as she looked at the picture.

"I knowwww!" I agreed with a wide smile on my face. The nurses passed my phone around and Dr. Wallace peeked at it and a smile formed on his face.

"She's beautiful! How old is she?" He asked softly.

"She's six months." I responded.

"Hey, guys! Lulu are you showing pictures of that baby again?" Rita asked walking up to our table to take a seat beside me.

"Always!" I laughed. "I'm not even kidding! I can be talking to a stranger at Starbucks for 2.3 seconds and then i'm just like 'oooooh let me show you how adorable my baby is!'"

We all laughed and i took my phone back and looked down at my beautiful girl with a big smile on my face. We all continued talking throughout our lunch break and getting to know Dr. Wallace some.

Turns out he's thirty four, single, loves kids, and wants to own a farm for special animals that no one wants, and he's an only child. Oh, and he's insanely freaking gorgeous! He seriously had all the ladies drooling all over themselves and hanging on to every word that came out of his mouth, and he's so polite!

I got back to work and the night dragged on so slowly, i just wanted to go back to Colby's house and cuddle my little one, then go to bed. I've been staying at Colby's house for three days now, and to be honest i miss my bed, and i miss the quiet! His friends are always over at the house.

-End of Luna's shift-

"Luna, wait up!" I turned around and saw Ashton running up to me, i had just clocked out and was about to leave.

"What's wrong?" I asked in concern thinking that something happened and he needed help, or maybe he was just confused about something with the hospital since he's new.

"Nothing.... I was just going to see if you maybe wanted to have a drink or get some coffee some time or something?" He asked nervously rubbing the back of his neck and smiling at me sheepishly.

"Ohh...Um i don't know if that's a good idea... We work together and i'm kind of a single mom so i don't have much time for dating..." I explained apologetically.

"It doesn't have to be drinks, we can do something you can take her along with us for... I wouldn't ever exclude her or anything.." He reassured me.

"I don't know....Besides i barely know you... I'm not going to be bringing random guys into my daughter's life. I don't want her to end up getting attached and then things not work out." I said pulling my purse a little closer to me nervously. He's so attractive he makes me nervous, but i don't have time for dating..

"But how do you know they won't work out if you're not willing to take a chance?" He questioned.

"Because relationships just don't work out for me...I just always end up hurt... And it's not just me i have to think about now. I have to think about how things will effect my daughter." I said looking at him seriously. "Look, you seem like a really nice guy....I'm just not interested in a relationship with anyone at the moment. I really need to get home to my daughter now, i'll see you at work tomorrow. Have a nice night Dr. Wallace."

Before he could respond i was out the door and speed walking to my car. I'm not going to lie, I think Dr. Wallace is very attractive, but like i said i'm not looking for a relationship with anyone at the moment. I just want to focus on my daughter.

Besides, i still have to work out how i feel about Colby. I don't want to start seeing another man when i still have some feelings for my daughter's father. I miss the days when i didn't have to worry about man drama, when the only thing i had to deal with was exhaustion from work. Before everything was so complicated..

Before all these damn feelings got involved..


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