Chapter 30

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Well, Lily is now six months old, and i'm back at work.. As i thought i am missing her like crazy and just want to run home to her instead of making my rounds at the hospital. The first day back to work i cried the whole time, it was terrible.

"How's that baby?" I was brought out of my thoughts by Rita smiling at me.

"She's amazing! She's getting so big too fast. She's sitting up on her own now, and she's been trying to pull herself up. She wants to walk so badly and it's breaking my heart. It feels like just yesterday that i was in there having her. I pulled up a picture on my phone and handed it to Rita for her to look at. It's of Lily sitting up on the floor and she's got a huge grin on her face. She's too damn cute for her own good.

"Ooooh that smileeeeee!" She coo'd. "Shut up!!!!" She added making me jump in surprise at her outburst.

"What? I didn't say anything!" I said looking at her wide eyed.

"I was talking to my ovaries, they are in there screaming." She said making me crack up laughing, i shook my head at her.

"Give in already! Your husband would love that." I said grinning at my friend.

"Babe, we've been over this! I think i'm ready for a kid, but then i remember that they grow up and turn into little assholes and i can't handle that." She said rolling her eyes.

"But they would be your little assholes!" We started laughing and continued to talk through out our lunch, and right before my break was over i messaged Colby. He has her today while i work.

*Text Messages*

Me- How is she? Has she had her nap yet? Did you feed her?

Me- She has to have her stuffed bear or else she won't sleep..

Me- Oh God, i came back to work too soon!

Colby- Luna! Take a deep breath....she's fine.

Colby- I have everything under control.

Colby- Just a few more hours and you can come home and get all the cuddles you want.

Me- Not fast enough! 😭💔

Colby- Everything will be fine, i promise! She's been having fun with daddy all afternoon.

Me- Well, i'm glad you guys are having fun! I have to get back to work, i'll see you in a couple hours. Give her kisses for me.

*End Text Messages*

I put my phone back in my scrubs pocket and tossed my trash in the bin and then got back to work. There's something that must be in the water, because all of my patients today have been Grade A assholes to me all day.

Finally, after what felt like ten years it was time for me to clock out and head home. Once i was clocked out i practically ran to my car and then drove home. I ran into my apartment and stopped when i saw him cradling Lily to his chest with the music playing and was dancing around with her and singing.

" I've got sunshine on a cloudy day

When it's cold outside i've got the month of May

Well i guess you'd say what can make me feel this way?

My girl (My girl, My girl)

Talkin' 'bout my girl (My girl).."

I stood back and leaned against the door frame as i watched him dance and sing to our daughter, i couldn't help but smile widely. He really is an amazing father, and moments like these completely melt my heart. As he slowly turned he spotted me and a slow grin came over his face.

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