Chapter 43

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I stood there frozen for a moment, not sure how Ashton was going to react to Lily calling him dada. I watched as his face held a shocked expression and then slowly formed into a soft smile. He kissed Lily on the top of the head and then pulled me into his side and hugged me, placing a soft kiss to the top of my head as well. I instantly relaxed and finally took a breath i didn't even realize i had been holding.

"You're not freaked out?" I asked cautiously.

"Of course not! Why would i be freaked out? I love you, and i love her. She may not be mine biologically but that doesn't mean that i wouldn't love to be her father, that doesn't mean i won't accept her as my own." He spoke softly.

My head shot up to look at him in shock. He loves me? I know it's a little late to think that that's moving too fast, i mean we're living together for God's sake. I'm just surprised because we haven't told each other we loved each other yet. I mean, yeah, i've felt it. I've known that i love him, but i didn't think he would love me back so soon!

"If it's too soon to say that i understand, i just feel it so i want to say it. It's true, i love you both more than anything in this world. I would be honored to let her call me dada if that's okay with you." He queried softly.

"I love you too. I've known for a little while that i love you, i just haven't said it because i was scared you would think it was too soon and would get freaked out. I would be the honored one. You've treated her like your own from the very beginning, you've included her in everything, you've made it known from the start that you didn't just want me in your wanted her as well. You've been the father figure she's needed, when her own hasn't stepped up. I would be honored if you claimed her." I assured him happily.

"I knew you guys were a packaged deal, i wasn't just getting you, i was getting her as well.. I'm not going to lie at first that was a little terrifying, but the moment i met her i knew i wouldn't have it any other way. She may not be mine by blood, but she's mine, i've bonded with her, i've grown to love her, I want to make her happy and protect and take care of her. I love you, Luna. I'm not going anywhere, i'm here for the long run." He insisted.

I felt my eyes watering because i don't know how i got so lucky, how i found such an amazing man who not only wants to take care of me, but also wants to take care of my daughter as well.

"Momma! Dada! Momma! Dada!" Lily continued chanting happily. I laughed as she started giggling and bouncing in Ashton's arms and continued chanting at us.

"You're too cute for your own good, you know that?" I coo'd to her, leaning in and kissing my baby girl on the cheek and then leaned up on my tip toes to kiss Ashton. He leaned his head down to make it easier for me since he's so much taller than me.

As soon as our lips touch Lily squealed and pushed my face away and grabbed Ashton by the ears and turned his head to her and kissed him. I laughed and pulled Ashton back to kiss me and she once again turned his head back and kissed him then hugged his head so i couldn't turn him towards me again.

"Really? I can't even kiss my own boyfriend." I pouted.

"Dada!" She exclaimed.

"Hahahahahahaha she doesn't want momma kissing dada!" Ashton grinned in amusement.

"Fine! I'll just kiss her instead!" I shrugged and leaned in and started kissing all over her face making her squeal and giggle and try to wiggle herself away from me.

"No, no, no! Momma stop!" She cackled.

"Never! I made you, i can kiss you if i want to!" I continued my kiss attack and she continued giggling and finally i pulled away and smiled happily.

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