Chapter 33

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Lily is ten months old now, she's walking... Well, more like running all over the place, she's getting so big! Colby sees her during supervised visits, i had to take him to court to get everything set up. After that night i went off on Chris he's been an asshole, and so i refuse to spend any more time with him than i have to. The only time we talk is when we're discussing meet up times or stuff dealing with Lily.

She's not allowed around Chris, i refuse it, because he can't keep his mouth shut about me when he's around, even if Lily is in the room and i won't stand for it. I've also been seeing "Dr. Dreamy" as all the nurses and ladies visiting the hospital like to call him for the last month.

I didn't make it easy on him, and so for two months straight he was doing everything he could to get me to give him a chance. It's not like i wasn't interested, i just wanted to be completely over Colby before i jumped into another relationship because it wouldn't be fair to Ashton if i was with him but still pining over my daughter's father.

For those two months i would come in and find flowers on my desk, or coffee's, or cute little notes telling me to have a good fay or that i look pretty. He would bring me lunch, or sit with me during break. He's a really good guy, and super sweet. I was just lounging around with Lily watching "Lilo & Stitch" when my phone chimed with a text message. I grabbed it and looked to see that Ashton messaged me.

*Text Messages*

Ashton- Wanna do lunch?

Me- Sure! I think it's about time you meet Lily anyways. ☺️

Ashton- Can't wait! ❤️

*End Text Messages*

Although we've been dating for a month, he hasn't met Lily yet, i've been too nervous to bring them around each other. I don't want her to get attached and then us not work out and he not come around anymore. But, things have been amazing, and he's made it clear he's not going anywhere.

"Wanna go get some lunch?" I asked Lily. She started babbling at me and I smiled at her as i stood up and went to get us both dressed. Lily is wearing a little white tank top with little red heard all over it, ripped blue jeans, and a big white bow with little red hearts all over it to match her shirt on her head, and red sandals. She looks absolutely adorable.

I got dressed in a red off the shoulder top, distressed jean shorts, and red sandals. My hair is in natural waves, and my make up is just a couple coats of mascara and chapstick. I packed up the diaper bag, grabbed my bag, keys, and phone and then picked her up and carried her out of the room and out the front door, locking up as i went.

I walked to my car and fastened her into her seat, put the diaper bag on the floor board and then went and climbed into the driver's seat. Ashton sent me a text with the restaurant we'd be meeting at and i typed it into my phone and back out of the parking lot and drove to the restaurant.

When we arrived i found a parking spot and grabbed my purse and the diaper bag and then picked Lily up out of her seat and sat her down on the ground, holding her hand while we walked to the front of the restaurant.

Lily loves to walk by herself, she wants to be carried every now and then or when she gets tired of walking, but more often than not she wants down so she can walk. We walked to the front of the restaurant and saw Ashton standing outside waiting for us. His face instantly broke into a big smile when he saw us.

"Hey! You girls look beautiful." He complimented with a grin.

"Thank you! You look great as well!" I complimented back as i took in his attire. He's wearing a white form fitting tshirt, dark blue jeans, white converse sneakers, and a cream jacket.

I picked Lily up as we walked closer and she was cheesin' at Ashton. She's the most outgoing baby ever, she loves everyone..and she loves meeting new people.

"Ashton, this is my daughter Lily. Lily, this is Ashton!" She blew raspberries at him and giggled, i couldn't help but smile at her. Everything this little girl does melts my heart. I looked at Ashton and saw he was smiling at Lily and looking at her in awe. He grabbed her little hand and shook it and she just giggled even more.

"It's very nice to meet you, Lily!" She reached her arms out for him, wanting him to hold her. He looked at me as if asking permission and i nodded as he took her and held her.

She laid her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around him as she hugged him. I swear i could see the moment his heart melted, written all of his face. She's hooked another one! He's now wrapped around her little finger, she's good at that!

"Shall we go in? Otherwise i'm just going to stand out here all day hugging this little beauty because this is seriously the sweetest thing ever!" He said looking at me with adoration. "Is it normal to feel attached this soon?" He asked looking really concerned. I started laughing and patted his arm sympathetically. He looks so worried.

"Trust me, love. You didn't stand a chance. She's got a way of making everyone she comes in contact with love her, and be wrapped around her little finger. Trust me, it only gets worse!" He smiled and we walked into the restaurant and found a table. Lily refused to let go of Ashton, so he had her sitting on his lap.

I'm honestly surprised she's taken to him so quickly, yeah, she's a super friendly baby...but usually she'll hug them for a minute and then want me again. We ordered, and Ashton was feeding Lily off of the little plate we ordered for her, she was grabbing his fork and trying to feed him as well. It was adorable.

It melted my heart seeing him with her, and here i was worried that he wouldn't accept her... They adore each other already and they've just met!

-After Lunch-

After lunch we took Lily to play at the park. It's a beautiful day out, and i'm not ready to end the afternoon with Ashton so we're just playing at the park with baby girl. It was hilarious seeing all 6'4" of Ashton going down the small slide with Lily in his arms giggling away.

"Okay, so you two are absolutely adorable." I said laughing as he walked up to me with Lily safely in his arms.

"I was thinking the same exact thing about you and this little sweetheart." He grinned at me. I smiled shyly as he pulled me into him and kissed the side of my head. He went back to playing with Lily and i couldn't stop smiling.

After twenty minutes of playing, Lily started yawning and i knew we couldn't prolong this any longer, she was ready for her afternoon nap.

"I should get her home, she's due for her afternoon nap." I said looking at Ashton.

"Sure, maybe we can do this again soon? All three of us?" He asked hopefully.

"I'd like that!" Ashton gave me the biggest smile i have ever seen and pulled me into his chest, giving me a gentle kiss on the lips. He walked me back to my car and put Lily in her seat and strapped her in for me.

"Text me when you get home so i know you made it safely." Ashton said once Lily was strapped securely in her seat.

"Will do! You text me as well."

"See you tomorrow, babe." I smiled and waved at him as i climbed into the drivers seat, pulling my seatbelt on and then started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, i drove back home. I don't think we were driving for even five minutes when Lily stopped babbling and i heard her soft snores.

I'm so happy i gave him a chance, he's such an amazing man, and he's so good with Lily. It's about damn time i get to be happy..


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