Chapter 45

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Ashton and I have been dating for a year and a half now, life with him has been absolutely amazing. We have our arguments like any other couple, but we never go to sleep angry and we always work through our problems together.

He's been so amazing with Lily, and she absolutely adores him. It's Christmas Eve, so we had the family over. We decorated the tree, listened to Christmas music, we dance and sang, and laughed so much our stomachs hurt. We've just been enjoying each other's company.

All the parents left and Lily is in bed sleeping, we put out the presents from "Santa" and then we all laid out in Ashton and I's living room to watch "Home Alone." By everyone i mean Ashton and I, Tara and Anthony, Brie and her boyfriend, and Brittany and Ronnie. Two couples were laying on a pallet on the floor (Ashton and I, and Tara and Anthony) then Brie and her boyfriend was on one couch, and Ronnie and Brittany were on the other couch.

Jonah was here but he had to leave early because he works tomorrow. Which is a bummer because i would have liked for my best friend to spend Christmas with us. But i understand he's got responsibilities to take care of.

"I just want to know how this woman has never had neglect charges pressed against her.....She loses this kid so damn much... I would be tying our hands together. Can't get lost if you're stuck to me!" I exclaimed shaking my head as i continued looking at the screen.

"Hahah right!" Tara agreed.

"Gotta admit he's smart though!" Brie exclaimed.

We bickered and laughed throughout the movie, and towards the end Ashton excused himself to go check on Lily. He's such a good dad.

It was a little after midnight when everyone decided to go home. We're having Christmas dinner here so we all needed to get ready for bed.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow, thank you for having us over. It was fun." Anthony smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you for coming!" I smiled.

"We should totally make this the new tradition!" Tara squealed quietly.

"I agree! It was so much fun." Brie grinned at me.

"Yes! It was so nice spending the day with you and my niece." Brittany smiled and came over to hug me as well.

"You all are welcome over any time. We don't need to have a tradition to hang out." I assured them. After they all left i made sure everything was locked up and went up to go check on Lily and cover her up again before i went to bed.

When i walked into Ashton and I's room i was about to say something to Ashton but froze at the sight in front of me. There were red and pearl colored balloons all around our room, there were rose petals spread out all over our bed, and the wall above our bed had word balloons spelling out the words 'Wanna marry me?'

Tears started blurring my vision as i brought my hands up to my mouth in shock and looked around. When i spun around there he was on one knee holding a velvet box with a beautiful ring inside. It was a gold band with a big oval shaped diamond in the center and little diamond along the band on either side.

"Luna you have brought so much light, love, and happiness into my life. You gave me a family, you showed me what kind of person i want to be, and you have built a life with me that i have always wanted for so long. From the moment i saw you i knew that you were going to change my life, you're so gorgeous, you have the most beautiful soul i have ever seen, and you're so hardworking and kind. My heart was yours the second i saw you. You make me the happiest i have ever been, and i want to continue our lives together with you by my side every step of the way. Will you make my life complete by agreeing to be my wife?" He took my hand in his and was staring up into my eyes so passionately.

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