Chapter 44

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Ashton lead me around introducing Lily and I to old colleagues and old friends. Lily was of course the center of attention, i expected no less, my daughter is absolutely adorable. And she knows it too.

While Ashton was talking to one of his old friends from the hospital he worked at before, they warned him that Meredith was here. His mood immediately turned sour and i didn't know why. What did this Meredith do to him?

A few minutes later he was excusing himself and pulled me over to a quiet spot and he turned to me with worried eyes. Like he was scared of how i was going to react or something.

"What's wrong?" I asked in concern.

"I need to warn you..." He started nervously. "Meredith is my ex, she was another doctor at the hospital i used to work at. She cheated on me while we were at work, i walked into the break room and caught her. We didn't end on good terms and she tried to ruin my reputation, that's why i left." He explained.

"Luna, i just want to tell you right now...You have absolutely nothing to worry about. I have no feelings for that woman anymore, and i would be thrilled if i never had to see her again....But if she's here tonight and she finds out that we're together and that i'm happy...She's going to try to start shit... I can't let her ruin this for me....I love you and i love Lily.. I can't lose you guys because of that manipulative miserable B-I-T-C-H." He confided.

"Babe, she could only ruin what we have if what we have was weak. I trust you, i love you, nothing she says or does is going to change that. I know you want to be with me, if you didn't you wouldn't be here. You wouldn't be wanting to claim my daughter as your own. She can try all she wants, but it's not going to work." I assured him. He opened his mouth to say something, but movement behind him caught my attention and a gorgeous tall blonde woman came prancing up to us.

"Looks like you've been spotted.." I warned him just as she spoke.

"Ashy?! Oh my gosh! I didn't think you would come, i've missed you so much!" She coo'd moving in for a hug, he quickly side stepped her and took me and Lily into his arms. Meredith looked me up and down and grimaced.

"I have nothing to say to you, i don't even want to be around you, i'll only ask this once...Please leave me alone." He insisted firmly.

"Dada!" Lily squealed happily. "Aansufjnride!" She babbled and then blew a raspberry and giggle squealed. Ashton looked down at Lily with an adoring smile and took her from my arms. He kissed her cheek and cuddled her to his chest.

"Oh really? Why don't you tell me all about it?" He coo'd to her. I smiled and leaned my head against his arm as my arms wrapped around his. I really do love how he interacts with her.

"Did she just call you dada? Who are these...." She sneered while looking me up and down in disgust and then continued "People Ashton?" She questioned.

"My girlfriend and our daughter." Ashton grinned at me lovingly not even looking at her.

"Really? You have a daughter now?! You told me you didn't know if you wanted kids..." She glowered at us.

"Maybe i just didn't want them with you, did you ever stop to think about that? I didn't love you for a long time, and it took seeing you cheating on me to realize that. I didn't care, if anything i was thrilled because it gave me a good reason to leave you. You've changed over the years, you weren't the sweet girl i fell in love with in high school, you were a mega B-I-T-C-H that would screw anything that breathed air in her direction, you were just after what i could give you materialistically and not build the life i wanted to have with me. You did me a huge favor by cheating on me, because if you hadn't i would still be with you, miserable as hell...I wouldn't have found the woman that breathes light into my life, i wouldn't be with the most amazing and beautiful woman i have ever met, i wouldn't have the life i always wanted.. So thank you, really, because of you i have the woman of my dreams in my arms, a baby that i would give my life for, and we're building a life together... happily! " Ashton was finally looking Meredith in the eyes, and he was speaking so passionately.

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