Chapter 1

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Running along the beach in the early morning hours was her favorite time of day. The beach was usually deserted and she only had the ocean for company. It was the way Clarke loved it. Just her, her surfboard and the ocean, there was nothing better than that.

Rarely would her best friends join her as she liked to go as they put it, "Way too fucking early." She smiled thinking about it. She liked her sleep too, but this would always rank higher than sleep. If she was honest, surfing always came first before everything else. She had a hard time explaining why, it was just in her blood. She was grateful that her friends understood and never once complained at her lack of focus in other areas.

They tended to tease her about her love for surfing. They would constantly say it was her one true love and she didn't need a relationship because they would be in competition for her affection. She would laugh and shake her head, but she couldn't refute any of it. They made valid points even if they were just teasing.

She finished her three mile run before doing her usual stretches to cool down. She put on her rash guard, and grabbed her favorite surfboard. She took a moment, like she did every morning to admire it. She looked up at the sky smiling before looking back at the board.

It was the last gift she'd gotten from her dad and was her most prized possession. It was a picture her dad took that she loved and he had put on the bottom of the board. It was a bird flying low over the rippling, blue water. It was a majestic scene that she connected with her father watching over her out on the water.

She headed into the vast, blue ocean.

She paddled out, enjoying the sound of the waves rolling over, the tide crashing into the shore and the burn in her arms as she went duck dived under the waves. When she was far enough out, she straddled her board waiting for a good set.

She let her mind wander to the very first time she got on a surfboard with her dad. He let her ride one with him and she wanted to go again and again and begged him to teach her. When she got her first surfboard, she jumped for joy and straight into her father's arms who hugged her tight.

She had been surfing since she was four years old and had loved it ever since. It had been her favorite pastime to do with him. He'd taught her everything she knew. She remembered the first time she popped up and was able to maintain her balance on the wave. She was beyond excited and remembered the huge smile on both her face and her father's.

She let the memory fade away with a wistful smile on her face.

She started going out early after he died, she could be by herself and take time to remember him. It made her feel more connected to him. Being out on the ocean, she could almost feel him and it made her feel at peace.

She caught sight of a beautiful set heading in. She started paddling hard, not looking back before popping up on her feet with an ease born out of years of practice. She rode the surf line, dragging her hand through the wave with a big smile on her face. She made a bottom turn, touching the lip before popping out in aerial move before the wave turned into white water.

Surfing never got old, even though she did every single day, it was an adrenaline rush every single time.

She rode a few more decent waves before checking the time. She figured she had just enough time for one last wave and was lucky to catch the last of the set. She popped up, bending low, carving up the face before riding through the tunnel and coming out the other side. She let the wave carry her the rest of the way in.

Clarke didn't want to go to class and would rather continue surfing. She couldn't care less about school, but she made a deal with her mother. All she wanted was to become a pro surfer, but in order to continue doing what she loved, she had to go to college. It was mostly to please her mother though. She hated that she was still trying to get her to accept her.

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