Chapter 13

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The storm passed and left some minor destruction in it's wake. Clarke was relieved that nobody suffered any lasting damages and nobody got hurt. That was a good day, but what really excited her was the email she got a week after Nia that informed her that the competition had been moved to the beginning of September instead.

It gave her three extra weeks to prepare, is the way she tried to look at it.

Clarke was thankful that it wasn't cancelled like she feared it might be. She headed to the beach bright and early as usual to get her surfing in before Lexa showed up. Just the thought of the Lexa put a huge smile on her face.

They hadn't talked about the almost confession the week prior, but Clarke had noticed a shift in their arrangement. They spent every almost every night together and saw each other everyday after they were finished with their respective tasks. Clarke loved it, but was still scared Lexa might leave.

Hell, she had left Lexa in her bed this morning to come surf. Her favorite thing about sleeping next to the brunette was the fact that she was a cuddler. It warmed Clarke's heart when she would get out of bed super early and Lexa would grumble and groan losing Clarke's body heat. Clarke would smile at how cute she was when half asleep and kiss her on the head.

Once Lexa woke up, she would join her on the beach and they would run together. It was another new thing they did. She wasn't sure how it got started exactly, but it did and it was really nice to have a running partner. They pushed each other and made it competitive even though their run almost always got interrupted because they couldn't keep their hands off each other.

The water was still very pleasant as she made her way in and paddled out. She spend the next hour trying to work on this one trick that she was still having problems with. Clarke needed it be perfect for the competition. She continued working on it until she spotted Lexa jogging down the beach. She decided to try one more time before making her way in.

Apparently, Lexa was her good luck charm because she nailed the trick and landed smoothly back on the wave and rode it in.

Clarke made a beeline straight for Lexa and kissed her. She ran her tongue across her bottom lip requesting entry that Lexa granted. Clarke took full advantage and slid her tongue in mapping Lexa's entire mouth and could taste the mint toothpaste Lexa had used. She felt Lexa's hands slid up her back to tangle in her hair. Lexa broke the kiss and pulled her head back to attack her neck with bites and kisses. Clarke couldn't stop the groan she let out.

Their bodies were pressed tightly against one another and Clarke could feel her length pressed against her thigh. She couldn't resist grinding against with Lexa doing unholy things to her neck. She hit a sensitive spot that had Clarke's whole body jerk before Clarke captured her her lips in another heated kiss. She had to slow it down or else they would end up fucking on the beach again and as hot it was, Clarke didn't want to dig sand out of uncomfortable places again.

Stepping back, Clarke broke the kiss by placing one last kiss on Lexa's plump lips and wrapping her arms around in a hug. Laying her head on Lexa's shoulder, she felt her arms wind around her too and a kiss to the side of her head. Every time Lexa did the absent gesture, butterflies exploded in her stomach.

She didn't think it could get any better than this. She was wrong.

"Hey," Clarke leaned back to kiss her on the cheek.

She watched Lexa's eyes flutter open like she was coming out of a dream.

"Hey beautiful," Lexa's eyes cleared from the haze of desire, but she could still feel her pressed against her. "I saw your trick. It was amazing, Clarke. Isn't that the one you've been having problems with?"

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