Dabi's Fears

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Toga calls Dabi, "what do you want crazy" Dabi groans. "Who are you talking to?" Hawks asked, "the crazy girl Toga that's at the bar called me, and stop calling me Toga" Dabi hung up. Toga pouts then smirks and yelled that Touya was found, "Why don't you ignore her?" Hawks asked with a concerned look. "that's why I ended the call" Dabi says, Toga smirks and told reporters where Dabi was and watched them run to Hawks place. Hawks looked out the window to see reporters there "Touya, we need to go. Now" "let me guess Toga told everyone I was here" Dabi looks at Hawks, "I don't know. Just hurry up and get on so we can get out of here" Hawks looked closer to see how many there were.

Dabi looks and saw 20 reporters and his breathing started to get heavy and leaned against the wall and slides down it wrapping his arms around his legs and started crying, Hawks picked up Dabi and flew out the window trying not to get noticed by the reporters "Calm down, Touya. It's gonna be okay" "if they tell Endeavor he wont be happy, he'll hurt me" Dabi says clinging to him. One reporter saw them and followed and called Endeavor, "I'll make sure that never happens to you. I promise you that" Hawks flew up to the clouds where it's hard for the reporters to see them and held Dabi tighter having tears well up in his eyes. Dabi hugs and kissed him "I don't want to see him", Hawks flew upside down so he wouldn't have to carry him much longer because his grip was slipping and kissed Dabi back "I wouldn't let you if he's gonna hurt you" "thanks" Dabi kissed him more.

"Anything for you" Hawks kissed Dabi deeper, Dabi moans a little. Hawks parted the kiss "Where would you like to go so no one is following us?" "I want to see my family, just not him" Dabi says laying his head on his chest, "Would you know if he's with your family right now?" Hawks asked looking at the clouds. "he should be working" Dabi says, "Okay. Then we're going to your house" Hawks flew over to Dabi's house. Dabi looks at his old house "I wonder if they will recognize me" "I'm sure they would, Touya" Hawks rings the doorbell and held Dabi close to comfort him, Dabi hugs him. Natsuo answers "yes how may I help you" he looks at them but mostly Dabi, "Before we say anything, is your father home?" Hawks asked just to make sure.

Dabi looks at his brother, "not at the moment, why" Natsuo asked. "Talk to your damn brother, Touya. Or will I have to tell them?" Hawks asked, Dabi flinched "please don't snap at me please" "T-Touya, is that really you" Natsuo says walking up to Dabi. "I'm sorry Touya. I guess I can't wait for a happy/sad reunion" Hawks chuckled slightly, Dabi pouts and grabs his shirt pulling him in for a kiss "learn some patience". Natsuo blinks "Touya your gay", "Okay, I will" Hawks kissed Dabi passionately. Dabi kissed back, "take this to a room guys" Natsuo groans. "We will later" Hawks said teasing Dabi, Dabi blushes darkly and hid his face in Hawks chest. Natsuo laughs at his brother, "I'm surprised you kept it the other color instead of dying it black again" Hawks chuckled and messed Dabi's hair up.

"you said you liked my natural hair color and your messing up my hair" Dabi says pouting, Natsuo chuckles "bro your so feminine". "I like both colors, Touya" Hawks chuckled, Dabi blushes and looks at Natsuo and ran at him. Natsuo ran for his life into the house, Hawks laughed at both of them and walked into the house. Dabi kept running after Natsuo, Natsuo ran till he fell. Hawks flew over to Natsou and caught him "Be careful. I don't need your father mad at me" "he don't really care about his children, he focused more on Shoto then the three of us, trying to train him to be better than All Might" Natsuo saysDabi walks up to his and hugs him, "its ok bro I'm here".

"Toya, just keep in mind that we will need to possibly stay at your place for now. Or I can just hide you in my room?" Hawks sighed and held his head "It's way too complicated, it's giving me a headache" "you can hide in Touya's room, no one goes in there, and do your thing just keep the moaning to a low" Natsuo says, Dabi blushes and kissed Hawks head. "Well, at least I can see your old room" Hawks laughed, Dabi blushes and walks to his old room opening the door "at lease they kept it the same". Hawks immediately lays down on the bed and sighs "You have a really comfy bed" "thanks" Dabi closed the door locking it and crawls on top of Hawks and lays on his chest, "Are you tired already?" Hawks chuckled.

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