Family & Friends

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Mic yawned "You make me so tired at times, Shota. Oboro did the same thing when we were younger", "was that your first word" Deku says. "I think in an alleyway dead" Villain Deku says, Adira pokes her head out "boom boom". "I can call them" Natsuo calls Dabi, "what bro" Dabi answers. Aizawa smiles in her sleep, "She blew the roof off of our dorm by saying that. Did you literally miss it? She's almost like me, but I said die as my first word, I think?" Bakugou chuckled stopped having explosions go off in his hands and picked Adira up and handed her to Deku "I'll be back in a bit. Don't worry". Aislynn bounced more on the bed giggling "Is he coming over?!" Aislynn asked impatiently, Shigaraki chuckled "You are too energetic, Aislynn. Just let Mommy ask him if he is or not, okay?".

Hawks hugged Dabi "Who is it, Touya?", Mic kissed Aizawa's head and picked him up "I can finish my work tomorrow" Mic yawned and put Aizawa of his back holding him by his legs "Let's go home, you tired ass". "we'll make lunch" Deku and Villain Deku says, Adira giggles. "your niece wants you guys over" Natsuo giggles, "it Natsuo, he wants to know if we want to go over there" Dabi says. "parakeet" Aizawa says in her sleep, Bakugou got up and walked towards the door "Don't get hurt, that goes for all of you. And no fighting". "But I want to know if they are coming over!" Aislynn said loudly and still was bouncing on the bed, Shigaraki chuckled more "You are too cute and funny, Aislynn".

"Yeah, we can go there, if you want?" Hawks said smiling, Mic chuckled and walked out the door and started walking towards the entrance "Don't make me want to fall asleep right now, Sho". "ok" Deku sets Adira on the floor, Villain Deku starts cooking. Adira crawls around, "sounds like there coming over" Natsuo says. Dabi smiles "we'll be over", Aizawa smiles more. Bakugou walked out the door and started to walk to every alleyway he knew of and started mumbling, "No one messes with my family and gets away with it. Not anyone. Not even All Might, if he even does" Bakugou put his hands in his pockets, Aislynn smiled happily and started running around really fast.

"Calm down, Aislynn! You'll hurt yourself and not on purpose!" Shigaraki got up and started running after Aislynn "I can't catch up with you! Slow down!", Hawks smiled and hugged Dabi again "Is that Shigaraki and the kid I hear?". "Hopefully Nemuri is gone from around here for a while" Mic said quietly walking out of the entrance doors, Deku and Villain Deku kept cooking. Adira crawls into Bakugo's room looking around, "Aislynn is making Tenko chase her" Natsuo chuckles. "that will be us, and we'll have to pick up feathers" Dabi giggles, Aizawa sleep. "is Shota ok or dead asleep" Midnight asked from behind him, Bakugou sighed walking into a dead alleyway and looked around "Where the hell am I at? I'll find my way back" Bakugou sighed.

Aislynn smiled happily and ran more "Well, you're too slow, Dada!", Shigaraki groaned and ran up to Aislynn and picked her up "No more running, energetic child. My legs hurt from running. I haven't ran like that in a while". Hawks let Dabi go and jumped onto the bed hiding in his wings "No running!", Mic jumped slightly and whisper yelled, "Don't just come out of no where again! But yes, she's fine. Just exhausted from working too much and she's making me tired as well. And before you ask why I'm saying she, Shota's a girl now and you better not take her anywhere without me going with". Villain Deku plated the food, Adira crawls to the front door looking out the side window "mama who's he".

Deku walks to her and looks out the window then picks Adira up running away from the door, Natsuo giggles. Dabi got up "you ok Keigo", Midnight pouts "fine". Bakugou sighed walking out of the alleyway frowning "Izu better have food ready when I get back. I'm really hungry now" Bakugou's stomach growls loudly, Aislynn pouts "Come on. I like running though!". Shigaraki set Aislynn on the bed "No more running unless you want to get hurt from it", "No running!" Hawks stayed hidden whining "I don't want to run!". "You're not the pouty type. You're usually always flirty with everyone. Are you okay, unless... Nope! I'm walking away from you before shit happens!" Mic put his headphones on Aizawa's ears before he started yelling and quickly walked away from Midnight, Villain Deku watched Deku "Izuku why are you running" "he's at the door" Deku says holding Adira.

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