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Shinsou whines feeling breathing, kisses and bites on his neck, Dark Shadow kissed and bites Shinsou's neck starting to leave a hickey. "Tokoyami I said not to kiss my neck while I'm asleep" Shinsou whines louder, Dark Shadow kept kissing Shinsou's neck. Tokoyami started waking up and sounded tired "What do you mean? I'm not doing anything, Shinsou", Shinsou opens his eyes moaning "then who's kissing my neck". Dark Shadow smirks slightly, Tokoyami sat up and pulled Dark Shadow off of Shinsou "I tell you to never do that and you do it while we're sleeping?!". Shinsou looks in the mirror "I look like leopard!!" he puts his face in the pillow, "What? Are you jealous that I did it and you never did?" Dark Shadow chuckled.

"If I was that jealous I would never use you again when we are training" Tokoyami frowned and looked mad, Shinsou whines "how can I go to class looking like a leopard". "Well, you look really jealous like that?" Dark Shadow laughed, "I'm not jealous! I'm just pissed off that you literally did what I told you to never do!" Tokoyami yelled at Dark Shadow. Shinsou watched them, "You're pretty jealous~" Dark Shadow said teasingly. "You really have to be this way? You have to act like a child?" Tokoyami sighed "I'm really starting to hate you after this", Shinsou glares and Dark Shadow while using his quirk. "Okay, fine. I am jealous. But that's only because I love Shinsou and I don't want anyone else touching him!" Tokoyami blushed darkly and looked away, "Damn, how did I know you were that jealous?" Dark Shadow said then looked at Shinsou.

"shut up Dark Shadow, sometimes you can be annoying" Shinsou says, "Shinsou, stop using your quirk" Tokoyami went over to Shinsou and looked at his neck "I can get Mina to hide it during class, otherwise you'll have to wear a scarf or something?". Dark Shadow stayed quiet, "I know, dad might have everyone training, I don't know" Shinsou shrugs turning his quirk off. "I'm not using Dark Shadow for it then" Tokoyami said madly, "Go ahead and not use me. I won't protect you then" Dark Shadow said turning his back away. Shinsou gets up and walks out of the room and to Mina's room, Deku looks at Shinsou "what happened to your neck Shinsou".

"I'm not going to talk to you anymore after what just happened" Tokoyami crossed his arms and sat on the bed, Dark Shadow stared at Tokoyami "Fine then". "stop acting like children and nothing Midoriya" Shinsou groans, "what are they whining like babies for" Deku asked. "What are you even here for Midoriya?" Tokoyami said a but rudely, "Well, that was rude" Dark Shadow frowned. Deku flinched "I was just walking by, until I saw Shinsou, sorry for interrupting" she bowed sounding like she was going to cry before running off and actually crying, "Bakugo is going to kill you after he finds out you upset her" Shinsou glares. "He's had too much to deal with lately. Would he really try and kill me?" Tokoyami frowned, "Yes, he would kill you. But if he kills you, he kills me as well. So why in the hell did you do that?!" Dark Shadow yelled.

Bakugou saw Deku running and crying and stopped her "Who hurt you, Izuku? Tell me so I can tell them to leave you alone forever", "I'm taking Twilight somewhere quite" Shinsou walks in and gently picks Twilight up and walks to the living room. "Tokoyami snapped at me rudely, usually I brush it off" Deku sniffs, Twilight whined and held onto Shinsou. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow started fighting, "Tell me what happened before he snapped at you before I start using my quirk and almost blow up UA" Bakugou sighed frowning. "its ok sweetie" Shinsou went into the living room, "Tokoyami and Dark Shadow was arguing and Shinsou had marks on his neck" Deku sniffs.

Twilight calmed down slightly and snuggled into Shinsou's chest, Tokoyami and Dark Shadow were still fighting. Bakugou busts out laughing "Holy shit! Bird brain is jealous of his damn quirk!" Bakugou hugged Deku trying not to laugh so hard "It's nothing to be worried about. I'm not going to kill them since they're dealing with shit already", "you hungry" Shinsou asked. Deku hugs him back, Twilight nods her head. Dark Shadow started to run away, "Get back here, asshole!" Tokoyami rans after Dark Shadow."Better?" Bakugou smiles, Shinsou lifts his shirt and held her close to his nipple. Deku nods, Twilight sucked on Shinsou. Dark Shadow ran around the living room, Tokoyami still ran after Dark Shadow but got mad while running "This is just like training. Stop putting me through this!".

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