Shinsou Helps His Parents

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Shigaraki sighed and started scratching his neck "If we brought everyone here, the whole place would blow up" Shigaraki groaned quietly scratching his neck harder, Mic smiled cutely "Do you even know where a person to revive the dead is at? I'm hoping you do". "its ok" Deku smiles and dries him off, Villain Deku looks around "Adira". Adira whines loudly pawing at Shirakumo, Shirakumo blinks seeing a wet spot "what". Natsuo grabs his hand "stop that", "people who can see ghost" Aizawa says. "Are you sure? I yelled at you both and I know how things are with yelling with you. You hate yelling, I know that" Bakugou's ears went down lower, "Come on, Addy. Can't you wait for five more seconds? I'll pet you if you can wait" Aislynn said pouting and held onto Adira tighter making sure not to let her go.

Shigaraki still had his hand making the scratching motion "But, Natsuo. They'll figure out that Adira is gone. They might not see the note there. This is the only place we've got. If only I hadn't become a villain this wouldn't happen" Shigaraki looked away from Natsuo sadly and worriedly, "Oh! I think I've seen people around town talking to nothing. Maybe those were ghosts!" Mic smiled happily "I don't know who they are though". "I'm fine, pregnancy can make you happy, angry, sad" Deku smiles drying his ears, "Adira!!" Villain Deku yells. "huny" Adira whines, Toga walks into the bar living room area "why are there four pregnancy test in the bathroom trashcan".

Shirakumo and Kurogiri were silent, "calm down babe, their not that dumb" Natsuo puts his hand on Shigaraki's neck rubbing lightly. Aizawa shrugs, Bakugou heard Villain Deku yell and quickly got up "Let's go look for Adira". Twice looked at Toga then at Shirakumo "Do you have any idea? Is that why Adira went to you for her hunger?", Jim looked at Toga "Someone probably wanted to make sure! Keep your head out of it, Toga! Either keep your head out of it, or go kill something". Shigaraki groaned slightly and calmed down a bit "Are you sure? I have a feeling Bakugou would be that dumb being pregnant and everything. You can see that he was", Aislynn looked at Shigaraki "Dada! Addy's hungry!".

"Let's go look around, Sho!" Mic yelled happily, "towel first" Deku says. Villain Deku looks at a note, Shirakumo laughs nervously "maybe, I just hope you'll except it". Kurogiri was nervous to, Toga pouts "rude". Natsuo pouts "coming sweetie", Adira whines. Aizawa giggles walking, "Okay" Bakugou grabbed the towel and put it around his waist and walked out of the bathroom looking for Adira "Izu, have you found her yet?". "Did I make you pregnant?!" Twice started freaking out "I'm really sorry if I did! I don't know if you wanted it or not!", Jim looked at Kurogiri "What are you so nervous about? There's nothing to be worried or nervous about". Shigaraki walked with Natsuo rubbing the back of his neck slightly "So, what's happening with pregnancy tests? And I can go get Izuku or Bakugou for you?", Aislynn started whining "Don't let them take Addy away!".

Mic held onto Aizawa looking around, Deku did the same following. "no but I found a note, from Shigaraki" Villain Deku says, "don't be I'm happy, I was worried that you didn't want it" Shirakumo says. "I'm in the same situation as Oboro" Kirogiri says worried and put his hands on his belly looking at Jim, "Shirokumo and Kirogiri are pregnant, I'm guessing" Toga says. "their her parents sweetie" Natsuo picks Adira up and put the bottle to her mouth, Adira whines never seeing a bottle before. Aizawa looks around, "S-Shigaraki?!" Bakugou's ears went all the way down and started crying as his tail went between his legs "I'm so sorry, Adira..". "Are you kidding?! I'd always want a kid with you! I love you so much" Twice hugged Shirakumo tightly smiling and calming down "You almost scared me to death, Oboro", Jim looked down at Kurogiri's hands "This is going to be really hard... Thanks for not scaring me like Oboro did to Jin. But, just listen to what Jin said. It's how I feel about you" Jim chuckled slightly "I couldn't have said it better than him".

"Mama and Dada of Addy?" Aislynn asked, Shigaraki nodded "Yes, would you like me to get them?". Mic kept looking around for someone and started whining "There's not going to be anyone, will there?", Deku whimpers pinning his ears down "I don't want her to be recruited as a villain". "we can go to the bar" Villain Deku says, "sorry and not to tight" Shirakumo smiles kissing him. Kirogiri smiles "thank you Jim", "Kurogiri could make a portal" Natsuo says. Adira sniffs the bottle confused, "don't give up yet" Aizawa walks into one store and asked about reviving a kid. Bakugou starts growling loudly "No one messes with my family and gets away with it!" Bakugou ran into his room, quickly got clothes on, and ran out of the house, "Sorry for being tight, Oboro" Twice kissed Shirakumo back.

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