Seeing Old Friends

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Shoto wakes up and ran to the bathroom throwing up, Iida woke up hearing Shoto and said in a sleepy voice, "Shoto, you know not to run. You can trip and fall" Iida then rubbed his eyes. Mic woke up running to the bathroom and started throwing up, "tell that to me throwing up" Shoto kept throwing up. Aizawa woke up "Hizashi, you ok", Iida got out of the bed and quickly ran to the bathroom "What's wrong? Are you okay? Do we need to go to UA and go see Recovery Girl?". "I don't feel too well, Shota. I think I'm sick with the flu or a really bad cold" Mic said quietly, "I don't know" Shoto coughs throwing up. "maybe Recovery Girl will tell you what it is" Aizawa sits up, Iida thinks for a minute "Are you able to get pregnant? Possibly like Izuku?".

"Hopefully it's not too bad" Mic sighed "Can you carry me there? I don't feel like walking", "I don't know" Shoto calls Natsuo. Natsuo answers "hello" he sounded sleepy still, "lets get dressed" Aizawa gets dressed. Iida hugged Shoto "Well, if you are we can make arrangements about it", Mic slowly got up and walked over to Aizawa "I need clothes". "what arrangements and can guys in our family get pregnant" Shoto asked and put the speaker on, "Touya is only pregnant from being turned into a girl and I have a daughter with Shigaraki" Natsuo says still sleepy. Aizawa tossed Mic his clothes, "UA arrangements. You wouldn't have to do too much work" Iida smiled still hugging Shoto "I can talk to Mr. Aizawa about it and have you opt-out of the activities".

Mic slowly got dressed and looked tired, "I don't want to be treated like I cant take care of myself, lets see Recovery Girl" Shoto pouts getting up. Aizawa picks him up and walks to UA, "But you'll get hurt if you do! I'm not having you get hurt if you are pregnant!" Iida stood up and walked out of the bathroom "Once and a while you should let people take care of you". Mic held onto Aizawa, Shoto looks at him "lets leave before dad finds out". Aizawa walks into Recovery Girl's office "he's sick" he lays Mic on the bed, Recovery Girl walks over and took a blood sample. "You could just say you're deadly sick and need to go to UA to Recovery Girl if he finds us. But you are right. We should leave before you get really sick" Iida picked Shoto up, Mic grabbed Aizawa's hand and held it.

Shoto squeaks holding on, Aizawa squeezed his hand. Iida walked sneakily out of the house and went to UA, "Shota, not too tight" Mic whined a bit loudly. Shoto held on blushing, "sorry Hizashi" Aizawa loosen his grip. "he's pregnant, how are all you boys able to get pregnant" Recovery Girl says, Iida walked into UA and started walking to Recovery Girl's office.Mic sat up with tears in his eyes "I'm what?!", Shoto held on "if I am pregnant what will your parents say". Aizawa rubs Mic's back, "They're going to hate me for being gay" Iida frowned and continued walking. "Shota! We finally have a family now!" Mic started crying and hugged Aizawa tightly, "yeah dad wont like it seeing his third son dating a guy and carrying his child, maybe Touya and Natsuo, Fyumi and my mom will except us" Shoto says.

Aizawa nods tears falling from his eyes, "If they're gay themselves then they will. It'd be pretty weird if you were gay yourself and didn't accept other people for being gay" Iida chuckled. Mic pulls back "Did I hug you too tightly?", "Touya is with Hawks and I think Natsuo said he's dating the leader of L.O.V" Shoto says. "I'm happy that we can have a child together, even though I adopted Shinsou" Aizawa wipes his tears, "The what?! Isn't that illegal?!" Iida looked surprised and shocked. Mic climbed onto Aizawa's back smiling "I'm happy too!", "he said he has a daughter with him" Shoto shrugs. Aizawa smiles holding his legs "I love you Hizashi", "But that's illegal, right?!" Iida asked.

"I love you too, Sho. Now, let's get food. I'm hungry" Mic said holding onto Aizawa, "I don't know" Shoto says. "well you are carrying and small baby" Aizawa says walking out and sees Iida and Shoto, Iida stopped walking and blushed slightly "Mr. Aizawa? Present Mic?". "But I haven't eaten anything yet this morning! I feel like I'm starving!" Mic pouts, "is illegal for my brother to date Shigaraki" Shoto asked. "I think it is, but if no one finds out they'll be fine" Aziawa says, "You know he's gonna end up in prison soon for his crimes," Iida said. "You haven't eaten anything yet either. So hurry up and let's get food!" Mic whined, "I think Touya told me Natsuo wants to kill All-For-One" Shoto says.

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