Bakugo's Pregnant

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"well he is a cuddle bug and its adorable" Shinsou giggles and looks at Twilight "come here sweetie", Shirakumo nods smiling. Bakugou smiled and walked out of the kitchen going towards the front entrance "We have no where to go and I'm hoping the old hag will let us stay there. If not, we're going to Auntie's", Twilight stood up and walked shakily to Shinsou until she almost fell towards Shinsou. Tokoyami picked Twilight up "Be careful. I don't want you hurt too, Twilight", Dark Shadow cuddled with Shinsou cutely. "Okay. Now let's go back out" Twice grabbed his mask walking out of his house, Deku nods. "gamma's place" Adira says, Shinsou pets her head and purrs loudly.

Shirakumo follows, Bakugou chuckled "Yes, your grandmother, Mitsuki Bakugou. Never call her that though. Just call her an old hag. And if she yells, come to me so I can beat her ass" Bakugou walked out of the entrance and walked to his old house. Twilight smiled reaching for Shinsou, Tokoyami handed Twilight to Shinsou and chuckled "You really love Shinsou that much you don't want to move". Dark Shadow purred snuggling and cuddling with Shinsou "I love him as much as I care for you and as you love him", Twice smiled and walked to the movie theater "Wanna watch a movie?". Deku follows them "you and auntie are the same", "ok dada" Adira smiles.

"she loves her mommy" Shinsou smiles petting Dark Shadow while holding Twilight, Shirakumo nods "yeah!!" he yells. "Yes, we are. But I'm worse when it comes to family and the people I love" Bakugou frowned slightly "I would even kill people who try and hurt my family. I wouldn't even care if I became a villain for that to happen", Twilight smiled happily "Mama!". Tokoyami kissed Shinsou's head "You all together are adorable", Dark Shadow purrs blushing. "Okay. Just don't yell" Twice said as he grabbed his wallet and paid for some tickets for a movie and went into the theater holding Shirakumo's hand, "I still don't care. I'm protecting you all whatever the cost is" Bakugou said and smiled at Adira "I also could be classified as a villain with as much anger I have".

"Home?" Twilight asked, Tokoyami looked confused at first then realized what Twilight wanted "We can go home if you'd like but it depends on what Mommy wants?". Dark Shadow groaned and looked at Tokoyami "Do we have to leave? I want to stay", Twice walked to the seats where it wasn't that crowded the worried slightly "Will anyone recognize me in here? They better not". Deku smiles petting him, "dada not angry, dada happy" Adira smiles. "yeah lets go home, we can cuddle more cuddle bug" Shinsou smiles, "when the movie starts it will be dark in here" Shirakumo says. Bakugou purrs slightly "Adira, you'll figure out soon that I do have anger issues. And trust issues and personal issues as well. That's why I can't be without your mommy for a while. But now that you're born, I don't think I'll have to worry about that", Dark Shadow goes away for a bit.

Tokoyami picked Shinsou up and started walking towards their room, Twilight held onto Shinsou. "Okay. Well, sit down so I can lay on you. I always lay on people or something while watching movies" Twice said looking around to see if anyone noticed him yet, Deku smiles purring. Adira smiles wagging her tail, Shinsou held onto Twilight. Shirakumo nods sitting in a recliner, Bakugou smiled walking up to his old house and opened the door "Hey, old hag! I'm back home for a bit!". Tokoyami opened their room door and walked in, Twilight yawned slightly. Dark Shadow came back out and cuddled with Twilight, Twice sat in the chair next to Shirakumo and laid his head on Shirakumo's lap.

"alright brat, how's Izuku and the baby" Mitsuki yelled back, Deku follows him in. "old hag!" Adira yells, Shinsou smiles petting Dark Shadow "cuddle bug". Shirakumo rubs his head, "Good for the most part! Adira has her quirks so we have to stay here until they fix the roof of our dorm!" Bakugou yelled more and sighed looking at Adira petting her head "That's my baby girl". Twilight giggled and hugged Dark Shadow "You is Papa. That is Dada. That is Mama" Twilight then points to Tokoyami then Shinsou, Tokoyami smiled "She named all of us. That's adorable". Dark Shadow purrs more smiling and snuggling with Twilight, Twice smiled "You're different than Toga. She wouldn't do this but she'd let me lay on her lap while we watch something until I start having arguments in my head. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened here any time soon".

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