Kirishima's Flight Lessons

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Natsuo pouts cutely, "but I am loud" Dabi pouts. "ok, lets go!!" Kirishima ran out of the room, "You can't stop being cute for one second, can you?" Shigaraki asked still blushing. "And you're my cute loud mouth" Hawks said hugging Dabi, "Kiri! Wait up!" Denki ran after Kirishima. "is that possible" Natsuo asked, Dabi smiles hugging back. Kirishima was already out of the dorm, "I can make it possible, but I'm not going to. I already love the way you are now" Shigaraki kissed Natsuo. Hawks put his head on Dabi's chest and closed his eyes "How long until this class is over?", Denki slammed open the dorm doors and looked around "You know I'm bad at running, Kiri!". Natsuo smiles kissing back, "don't know" Dabi shrugs.

Someone was on the ground forcing themselves on Kirishima, Kirishima punches and kicks the guy. Shigaraki kissed Natsuo deeper pulling him close, "I might fall asleep. I'm comfy here~" Hawks yawned slightly. Denki saw Kirishima and ran behind the guy looking pissed off "Never touch her again" Denki then electrocuted the guy's neck, Shigaraki rubbed Natsuo while still kissing him. "Yeah" Hawks yawned cutely "It's soft", "You're still a girl in my head" Denki looked at the dragon wings "A dragon, huh?". Natsuo moans blushing, Dabi blushes darkly. Kirishima pouts getting up as his body slowly turned him into a dragon, Shigaraki smirked and rubbed more.

Hawks slowly fell asleep, "We should get you to Recovery Girl to see how long you're going to be a dragon for," Denki said a bit sadly. Natsuo moans louder "Tenko", Dabi held his head. Kirishima's body back to a human, "Yes, Cutie?~" Shigaraki rubbed faster. Hawks smiled in his sleep, "Yay!" Denki hugged Kirishima. "Tenko" Natsuo moans louder coming, Dabi smiles. Kirishima smiles hugging back, Shigaraki kissed Natsuo and starting taking Natsuo's clothes off. "You're... A tease..." Hawks said in his sleep, Denki doesn't let go of Kirishima. Natsuo blushes kissing back, Dabi blinks looking. Kirishima kisses him, Shigaraki took his clothes off and slowly went in Natsuo "Time to finish what we started".

"Stop teasing... Me, Touya..." Hawks quietly said in his sleep, Denki kissed back smiling. Natsuo moans arching and nods, "what" Dabi says. Kirishima smiles, Shigaraki moved faster. Hawks groans in his sleep, "I love you, Kiri~" Denki said teasingly. Natsuo moans loudly, Dabi kissed his forehead. "I love you to Denki" Kirishima smiles, Shigaraki went deeper "I love you, Natsuo~". Hawks smiled in his sleep, "I love you more~" Denki teased. "I love you to Tenko" Natsuo cries out, Dabi smiles. "I love you more than being a hero" Kirishima says, Shigaraki moved more. Hawks woke up a bit "Is class over yet?" Hawks yawned cutely, "Now, now... Don't give up on being a hero. I don't want to be one without you" Denki pouted.

Natsuo moans clawing his hips, "maybe, why are we here anyway" Dabi asked. "I know babe" Kirishima smiles, Shigaraki moans quietly going faster. "So you could talk to your brother since it's been a while" Hawks sat up and looked tired, "We should go back to class now. No running away from me" Denki held Kirishima's hand. "Tenko" Natsuo cries out clawing deeper, "you should go to bed" Dabi says getting up. Kirishima picks him up, "Natsuo~" Shigaraki moaned a bit louder and moved more. "I probably still look tired because I just woke up from a damn good dream" Hawks smiles, "Kiri!" Denki held onto Kirishima blushing. "does it feel good Tenko" Natsuo moans, "what was in your dream" Dabi asked.

"yes Denki" Kirishima smiles, Shigaraki nods moving faster and moans more "I-I'm also c-close. Very close...". Hawks blushed deeply "A-A lot of things...", "Do you have to pick me up?" Denki blushed more. "me too babe" Natsuo cries out coming, "you perverted birdie, was it rubbing you" Dabi blushes. "you like it when I pick you up" Kirishima whines walking to class, Shigaraki moaned more and came pulling out. "Kind of" Hawks covered his face with his hands, "I know I do" Denki smiled. Natsuo moans arching, "you were talking in your sleep" Dabi smirks. Kirishima looks at his wings and spread them open flapping them and took off into the air, Shigaraki kissed Natsuo pulling him close.

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