Chapter 1

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The ray of sunshine made her way through Rue's bed and got into her eyes. With a groan, Rue rubbed her eyes and slowly got out of bed.

She made it to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, combed her hair and washed her face and then she put on some blue wide cuffed jeans and a black t-shirt with a white arrow on it.

She ran her hands though her curly brown hair and started thinking about summer camp because spring will be over in one week.

She took her backpack and went on her way to school. Her feet were making weird sounds as she was stepping on the muddy ground.

Rue made half of the road but then she saw a familiar group of boys. Brandon and his friends.

They were talking loud and jumping into mud. Brandon was the tallest and the only one that wasn't jumping in mud. Probably not to ruin his rich kid shoes. He ran his veiny hand thorugh his hair and looked back just to see Rue and smirked.

He continued his way and soon Rue could no longer see him.

'' Uh that smug '' Rue thought while walking by the same mud Brandon and his friends walked by.

She got in front of her boring giant school. The same plain white walls and ridiculous red roof. Rue stopped in front of the doors, took a deep breath and went inside.

Everyone was talking but Rue couldn't even understand a word. She knew her way to class but she didn't want to go because Brandon and his friends were in her way.

Now she could see them better. Brandon was wearing some black jeans with chains clinging to them, and a white shirt that had a red spot on its sleeve.

He was leaning against a wall while his friends were pushing and laughing at him. Rue passed them but someone grabbed her hand.

It was Brandon.

He wasn't holding her tight but he definetly wanted to say something to her.

'' What do you want'' Rue asked.
'' That's a little bit harsh, isn't it? I just wanted to talk. '' he said with a grin while letting go of her arm.

'' Ok let's talk. ''
Brandon laughed and put his chin on his fist.

'' How was your day? '' he asked sarcastically.
'' Better than ever '' Rue answered in the same manner before stepping on his foot and leaving.

She could hear his friends laughing while Brandon was imitating her.
'' Looks like someone escaped hell '' Rue heard a familiar voice.
'' No. Way! '' she said while turning.

She ran in the arms of her bestfriend. Miles. He hadn't been to school in 2 weeks. Rue looked at her bestfriend again because she missed him. His sweet brown eyes. His wavy black hair and cinnamon skin.

'' I thought something bad happened'' r
Rue said, punching Miles in his shoulder.
'' It did. You just got touched by Brandon'' he responed smiling.
'' You saw that?''
'' The whole school saw it. ''

'' Look what I got'' Miles said proudly as he pulled an arrowhead out of his pocket.
'' Miles that's a hunting broadhead made of steel. There's no way you... ''

The boy smiled before looking at his shoes ashamed.
'' Did you... steal it?'' Rue asked in a low voice.

Miles nodded.

'' I wish I could scream at you but I am way too happy. Thank you!''
The thief handed her the arrowhead and they walked together to class. As they entered the class, Miles went to his seat next to Rue but someone tapped his back.

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