Chapter 4

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Rue put on her black swimsuit and then a dress over it

"Gorgeous, As always " said Miles as she left ger room.
"Oh shut up" responded Rue.

Eleanor looked at her and smiled. Then, the three of them headed to the pool.

They talked and laughed but suddenly the sky turned grey. Rue stopped as she saw Eleanor panicking.

Eleanor took a deep breath and everything was back to normal.

" What the bloody hell was that? " asked Miles.
" No idea " murmured Rue.

Eleanor was surprisingly silent. She shrugged and continued her way. Miles and Rue looked at eachother and followed her.

At the pool there weren't so many people. But Brandon was there. And he was worse than 200 people.

Rue, Miles and Eleanor occupied some chairs and changed into the swimsuits.

Miles was wearing a black swim trunk. Eleanor had an one piece swimsuit just like Rue. Except that Eleanor's was pink and Rue's was black.

Miles jumped into the water and started splashing the girls.

That's when Brandon saw them.

"My dear friends!" He shouted and came closer

He was wearing a red and black swim trunk. He had abs which wasn't such a surprise.

His curly black hair was wet and was getting in his eyes.

" Hey guys!" Said Brandon again now that he was standing near them.

"Hey..." responded Eleanor.

" She speaks! " exclaimed Brandon. " What a surprise " Then he looked at Rue " I knew you couldn't stay away from me"

"You wish "

" Hey Miles"

"Wait did Brandon just called Miles.... "Miles" ? " thought Rue.

" Hey " responded Miles smiling.
"What the hell is going on?" Rue's mind was definetly confused.

" Earth to Rue " she heard Brandon saying.

Rue blinked and shook her head
"Yeah what?"

"Jump! "
" Not yet"

" So you came to the pool just to stare at the water?" Brandon asked.
" No. I just don't want in it Yet. "

" Very well "

Brandon was about to jump when he took Rue's hand and threw her in the pool. She swimmed to the surface and rubbed her eyes.

" You - " Rue started but was interrupted by Brandon throwing Elanor.

"Are you out of your - " she was again interrupted by Brandon jumping too.

He swimmed to the surface and splashed Miles. The boy laughed and splashed Eleanor. Eleanor splashed Rue and so on.

After a few minutes of splashing, they stopped.

Brandon wa staring at a guy that was staying at the other side of the pool.

" Who is that? " Rue asked.
" Nobody " responded Brandon

The boy came to them and jumped into the water.

" What are you doing? " asked Brandon coldly.

"Swimming " said the stranger cheerfully.
" Well swim somewhere else "

The guy came closer to Brandon.

Then, Rue saw Brandon all over the other boy keeping his head under water.

Camp Redwood ( book one )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن