Chapter 16

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It was still raining when they got back and no one seemed to suspect that they were gone. Eleanor said she wanted to clear her head a bit and went to talk to Jasper. Her new friend, actually.
Gina approached them a few moments later, her dark and silver hair wet, dressed in a white simple t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

'' Jeez, aren't you cold? '' asked Kaitlyn. Gina llooked at her clothes '' No, not really '' . Brandon took off his jacket and handed it to her. The girl put it on and thanked him. That's weird thought Rue.
Harvey was enjoying the rain and shaking his head, making water flow from his hair. Kaitlyn stopped him by grabbing his arm '' Harvey honey- no. '' she said and laughed. Gina smiled and then rolled her eyes and gave Brandon his jacket back, followed by her leaving them.
Rue went back to her cabin and found that poor young man still on the floor, reading an article. She didn't want to talk to him so she just went to bed so she could rest.

Rue was awakened by Miles slowly touching her face with his finger. The action became faster and faster until the girl finally opened her eyes and put her hands on Miles's face trying to stop him. They used to do that when they were kids. She didn't know why all this memories came flashing before her eyes but she remembered everything.

 Even Brandon, but that was later. He was the rich kid in her school. Rue had known about him since she was ten years old. He never really talked to her, because even back then he had a lot more friends than she did. Rue only had Miles, and the two of them were in the same class, one different from Brandon's. He had moved last year at the same one, and even then they had no interactions with him or his friends. When Brandon was ten, Rue remembered him as a happy kid, but the happiness seemed fake now. Maybe. She had actually known him for about a few weeks now and she had considered that his happiness might have been a lie.

Kaitlyn wasn't there and Miles pulled his friend out of her bed. '' Get up!! '' . She grunted '' Be gone, stranger. Let me have my sleep and I shall see you in a few hours. '' . Her friend laughed '' The detectives want to give an announcement '' .

She looked at him for a few seconds and then got up immediatly, rushing towards the cafetarie.Kaitlyn and her friends were already there, except for Eleanor. Then, Rue saw her at the same table with Jasper, Steve, Dean, Rufus and Connor. Why is everyone acting so odd? Rue asked herself before sitting at the table. Harvey had a towel around his shoulder, his messy hair wet, and his green eyes filled with hope and joy again. Gina was there too. Now, does she have to ruin my day? .

 Kaitlyn was staring at Gina, a new look on her face. Rue couldn't tell but she had never seen Kaitlyn looking at someone that way. Hatred, maybe.
Rue looked away at Eleanor. She never really thought about her. Never really know how to describe her. But seeing her smile was different. She was always wearing her long, straight red hair with a middle path, letting it run down her shoulders. Her sweet brown eyes were sparkling, her smile matched her eyes. 

Eleanor always seemed to hide something behind her face. Like a cave. People know it's a cave but don't know what it's inside it. A treasure or a monster.

Miles was laughing with Brandon, which was yet again, unexpected. And they couldn't see any detectives. The kids were sure they were going to talk about the missing evidence, so they should be prepared. Gunter came, wiping away some sweat from his forehead, followed by Ganty, Ryder and Woods. All the kids stopped talking and payed attention to them.

'' Thank you '' started Ganty '' We have been informed that some of you '' he looked towards their table '' took mister Gunter for granted. We just wanted to clarify that this is not a joke. This is not a movie where teenagers can do whatever they want, this is an active crime scene. '' Woods took over '' Something happened lately, we were certain of it and we were prepared. We just wanted to inform you that we think we are close to catching the killer - '' Gina interrupted '' What happened ''
'' I'm afraid that is confidential information miss Henderson ''
She scoffed and looked away. The detectives inclined their heads and left the kids in the cafeteria.

Brandon showed no emotion, probably a good idea, considering Gina was around. Miles was holding his hands together, scratching his left hand. Harvey shook his towel through his hair and Kaitlyn was still looking at Gina, that same look on her face. The girl didn't make eye contact, she just stood and left.

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