Chapter 6

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The kids were singing some songs Rue didn't know so she was just sitting quietly in the bus.

Miles was exercising some new magic tricks and he made it pretty clear that he didn't want to be disturbed.

Brandon was screaming the lyrics so he was just enjoying the ride. And Eleanor was reading something.

" Hey... psst "
Rue turned her head.
" Brandon. What do you want? " she asked him.

" Let's play something. It's getting boring "
" What do you want to play "

" Ask Miles to do some magic tricks "
" You know I can hear you, right? " saud Miles while turning to Brandon.

" Magic buddy, can you make some magic tricks? "
" Yes, I can "

Miles took out a piece of paper and wrote his name on it. He put it in his mouth and swallowed it.

" Wow... I am pretty sure that's called... gross " whispered Brandon disgusted.
Miles smiled.

" Check your damn pocket "
Brandon pulled out the piece of paper from his pocket. " Miles " was written on it.

They all started staring at Miles.

" Magic " Miles said and went back to exercising his new tricks.

" Eleanor, do you have secret talents? " demanded Brandon.
" No " she replied annoyed.

" No need to be rude "
Eleanor took a deep breath. She opened her mouth but it started raining. And then it escalated into a storm

Eleanor looked terrified but she just went back to reading. In less than a minute, the storm was over.

" That was quick " laughed Brandon.

After a few hours they arrived to camp. Rue saw a big wooden sign that read " Camp Redwood " on it.

The kids left the bus and took their luggages. Rue and Miles went ahead to admire the camp.

A large lake was in front of them. Al large lake with clean, shining water. There were multiple wooden cabins and a cafeteria.

Rue saw some targets arranged in frint of the lake.

The whole camp was surrounded by woods that didn't look terrifying like in horror movies. They looked just like in fairy tales.

They were supposed to go in the cafeteria for the training so they did.

Rue and Miles sat at a table with Brandon, Eleanor and another boy.

His skin was earth-brown and he had huge, sweet brown eyes. His hair was braided and he was looking at the guy that was standing in front of the tables.

" May I have your attention " the guy shouted.

Everyone stopped talking and started paying attention.

" Thank you " he continued " My name is Kane and I am the organiser of this camp. I want you to know that this is a big opportunity to make friends from other countries. "

He stopped and waited for soemthing that clearly didn't happen. Then he cleared his throat and continued.

" As I was saying. We are here to make new friendships. And of course to swim in the lake " everyone laughed " You will be divided into your cabins. "

Miles winked at Rue.

" Tomorrow we will start the activities. First of all, rules. You are not allowed into the water. Only if one of the coaches is watching you. You are not allowed into the woods alone. And just don't kill yourselves out there "

Camp Redwood ( book one )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن