Chapter 8

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" Rue! Rue wake up ! " Kaitlyn was shaking her. " What do you want " responded Rue pulling the sheets over her head.

" We have to go to eat breakfast. " Rue opned her eyes and rubbed her eyes. " Fine. " . She put on a red t-shirt with a golden bird on it and some short blue jeans.

Miles was already there eating a yogurt. Harvey was running his hand through his hair laughing at something Brandon had said.

Kaitlyn and Rue took two trays and filled them with food. Rue had a sandwich, a chocolate pudding and some water. Kaitlyn had scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice.

They joined their friends and after some time Eleanor came too. She was weearing a blue skirt and a plain pink t-shirt.

Harvey was lazily eating his food while Brandon and Miles were already done.

" Come on, hurry up. " Brandon begged Harvey. The boy just snorted and continued his lazy eating.

Rue was staring at his unusual crow-black hair and his glorious green eyes.

" Hey we have some contests today " said Harvey with his mouth full. " I heard we are going into the forests " he made some ghost sounds.

" I bet Tony will lose us the moment we get there " Brandon laughed.

" I think we are actually going with the other coach. " Rue said staring at her water. " Kane? " everyone was curious.  " No. That other guy... Fisher " .

Everyone laughed and started a conversation on how they will piss off that poor coach.

They agreed on just disobeying him which was simple but efficient.

" Harvey, god damn it, eat that bloody food! " screames Brandon. Harvey put an arm around his shoulders. " Relax, friend. We have plenty of time. "

After a few minutes, Harvey finally finished his food and stood up from a table, stretching his arms. They all looked at him as he slowly made his way by the lake.

" That was unexpected " said Eleanor laughing. Everyone looked a little bit shocked for a second and then smiled.

" So Rue, in the forest  are you going to point your bow at me again? " said Brandon winking.

" This time I think I will actually shoot the arrow " she replied, a big grin on her face. Brandon stuck out his tongue as Rue rolled her eyes.

They all snuck into the forest after breakfast just to feel stupid. The trees were just like a painting. Or even stolen from a fairy tale. The birds were singing their usual happy song and the wind was accompanying them with its usual blow.

They went at the same spot as the other day. They sat down and silence fell upon them.

After a few minutes, Harvey came from his " long walk by the lake " , wearing his customary smile and walking gracefully towards one of the logs.

" Did you eat some fish too? " asked Brandon while mimicking he was fishing.

Harvey just glared at him and said " So are you coming to the party tonight? "

" The what? " Eleanor asked. Harvey rolled his eyes and continued " The party. Tonight. In the forest. "

Brandon looked at him and started laughing and dancing. " Of course we are coming, aren't we? " he gave all of them a smirk and they all nodded.

" Good " Harvey shrugged. "Let's go back, Fisher must be waiting for us. ".

They all left and went to meet uo with the lovely coach. Monty and Lucas were there sitting next to him.

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