Chapter 18- Kaitlyn POV

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Kaitlyn followed Gina through the woods until she saw the girl stopping in front of the lake, next to a bench. She had never seen that bench before but it was there now.
'' I know you followed me '' Gina said as she sat on it.
'' Just wanted to see if you are ok '' Kaitlyn responed and sat next to the girl.

They stared at the water for a few minutes. Memories flashing before her eyes. Monty, his gasps for air, everything. Gina opened her mouth but shut it before any words could come out of it so Kaitlyn started
'' You do know we live in the same city, right? ''
'' How on earth would you know that ''
'' Because there is only one school that is here from a different country, so I guessed it wasn't you. ''
'' I know that. And I also know our schools are really close ''
'' My school is close to Rue's too. ''
'' Mine is close to Harvey's and your's ''

This is getting uncomfartable Kaitlyn said to herself. What should I do now? Deep breath. Just keep the conversation going.

'' So you know Harvey? ''
'' I actually think he knows me. I'm kinda popular '' Gina responded waving her hair, making kaitlyn laugh.
'' What's so funny? Bet you aren't popular, are you? ''
'' I'm not, actually '' she giggled.

The other girl scoffed and looked into Kaitlyn's eyes for a second, and then back at the lake. The sun was hidden behind the clouds and the picture was nostalgic. Two girls, sitting on a bench, their hands covered in blood, just not visible one. Watching the water in silence, none of them wanting to start a conversation. The camp behind them, probably everyone asking about Dean. Does Eleanor know? Kaitlyn's mind was a room full of questions. How is Gina so calm? We just killed someone. How were they ok with Brandon killing another person?

'' How are you so calm? '' Kaitlyn finally asked
'' Should I be scared that I'm sitting next to you? ''
'' That's not what I meant '' she rolled her eyes.
'' And what do you mean? Oh, yes, we just killed someone '' Gina said without hesitation.

'' Not we. Brandon. '' Gina let out a chuckle and ran her hand through her hair '' We are just as guilty as he is ''
'' How are you so calm ''
The other girl shrugged but she didn't took her eyes away from the water.
'' How are you so calm'' kaitlyn hissed again.
'' I'm not calm. I think I'm the only one actually having a brain, actually. Do you guys want to get caught? Stop showing so much guilt '' Gina sputtered.

Kaitlyn cast her a dark glare and shifted on her seat. She had no idea what to say anymore. And she couldn't read Gina's mind so she kept quiet. She had to hide something and Kaitlyn wanted to know what. Gina was definetly the kind of person that doesn't open to people. Maybe she is a psycopath. Like Brandon.

'' So... what are you going to do? ''Did I just ask her that?
'' Jeez, I'm not going to say anything. I have a reputation to keep ''
'' Is it just for the reputation? ''
'' Obviously ''

Definetly like Brandon. And now they were quiet again. She didn't have any other conversation starters. Not that she could call those 'conversations' .

She did remember Gina. Everyone at her school was talking about her. She was like this goddes and everyone wanted to at least say hi to her.

 Kaitlyn never wanted that. She had her brother, who was amazing, if it mattered. She remembered his golden skin and his short spiky hair. His all time red sneakers and silver necklace. Zack. He was one of those kids who was being called ' a loser ' . But that never mattered to her. Now that she was thinking about it, she did miss him. Even though she told him she wouldn't miss him. Promised him, actually. Zack left home when he was 16. When Kaitlyn was 14. No calls, nothing. It was like he just dissaperead. Something about him being in trouble. He never gave her any details. Just the vague promise that he will come back. Like hell he did.

Gina seemed like the kind of person who would have bullied Zack. Or humiliate him. Kaitlyn didn't really think that anymore. Or she just wanted to think it wasn't true. She wasn't sure.

'' I will save your asses you know '' Gina interrupted Kaitlyn's thoughts.
'' Right''
'' I will, because I am the only one that actually knows how to hide everything? ''
'' Experience? ''

Gina wasn't looking at her. She only looked twice. She stared at the water the whole time.

'' So, what brings you here. Camp . '' Kaitlyn asked.
'' Fun? ''
'' Other things? ''
'' Just wanted to escape my life for a bit ''
'' Oh, 'cause it's so exhausting beeing popular ''

Gina let out a laugh and continued '' Because I don't have any real friends, so I figured I can make some during camp. ''
'' Didn't work how you wanted, I suppose ''
'' Could have been worse. ''
'' Worse than muder? ''
'' I could've been alone ''

And she finally opened up. They talked for a while. She found out that Gina had a dog, named Mister claws, which wasn't surprising at all, considering its owner has claws too. She had a younger sister, Paige. Gina described her as ' a spoiled overenergetic kiddo ' and she didn't have any real friends, except for this guy named Luis. She loved being popular, and loved the attention but sometimes it was too much, sometimes she needed time for herself too. Her 'friends' left her when she gained weight so she had to starve herself for a month to have 'friends' again. 

I have to admit, that's awful. But if she is so idependent, why does she need those 'friends' .

'' Couldn't you just buy some new ones? ''
Gina took a deep breath and finally looked into Kaitlyn's eyes '' I don't really believe that is how friendship works ''

She seemed to realize that she had opened up and immediatly covered her mouth. Like that's going to erase eveythig she said. Gina rose to her feet and started rocking back and forth on her heels.

'' What are you doing? '' Kaitlyn rolled her eyes.
'' What do you think I'm doing? ''
'' You know, you have real friends now. ''
'' Technically, you all hate me ''
'' That's not- ''
'' Yeah. But I don't think you hate me. Otherwise you wouldn't have come here ''
'' Don't be so sure. I can hide my feelings too '' she responed and stood up.

They were looking into eachothers eyes, the voices of the kids the only thing filling the silence. Gina smiled and turned on her heels, but she stumbled, and almost fell. Kaitlyn caught her by the arm and yanked her on her feet again. The other girl smiled in gratitude.

'' Thanks ''

And then she turned again and started walking towards the camp, slowly. Each step now assured so she won't fall again. Where the hell is she going? She had just opened up, she couldn't leave. She was right though. Rue hates her. Eleanor hates her. Miles probably hates her and so does Harvey. But I don't.

'' You know, you can't just walk away! ''
'' Watch me! ''

Gina wasn't even looking at her.

'' So you are just going to ignore the fact that we just killed someone? ''
Gina turned to her, rage ignited in her face, her face reddened.
'' I am not ignoring anything. I'm trying to save us ''
'' Then you should start showing it. Show that you care ''
'' You want me to show that I care? ''
'' YES ''

Gina huffed and walked faster towards Kaitlyn. She took her face in her palms and pressed her lips on hers. And suddenly, nothing mattered anymore. No murders, no investigations. It was only them that mattered. As they separated from the kiss, Kaitlyn smiled and said '' Finally ''
Gina laughed as she was pulled into a hug. So they stood there and the weather became wonderful. Birds started singing, the water's sounds matching. And no one was watching them. Because no one cared. And that was for the best.

'' So what now? '' Gina asked, wiping away a few tears.
'' Now we survive '' Kaitlyn responed, holding her hand and heading towards camp.

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