Chapter 15

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Brandon shut his eyes and contemplated for a few seconds.
'' Brandon! What are you doing? '' asled Harvey. The boy opened his eyes and looked at Harvey '' Are you sure? ''. He nodded.

Kaitlyn and Rue were holding hands, unable to move or say anything, and then, Eleanor decided to surprise all of them and speak '' We need to see what is the new evidence '' . Brandon rolled his eyes '' Thanks, Sherlock. What a great idea. '' . Eleanor threw him a frustrated look '' Do you have a better plan? ''
Harvey leaned towards the girl '' We find out what the evidence is and... we steal it '' he said with a smirk. Rue punched his arm '' Are you out of your mind? We can't just steal evidence! '' . Harvey shook his head '' Of course we can. They can't just know who the evidence is from. So we get to it before they find out. ''

Kaitlyn nodded '' You're right. But we need to get there. ''
So they all started running through the woods, the wind whipping their faces, their lungs full of desperation and terror. They soon got to camp, trying to look as normal as possible. The police weren't there, they were on the other side of the lake.
'' Now what? '' asked Brandon. Miles was looking straight forward '' Now we wait '' , they all nodded at that.
Gina was walking back and forth on the same path, like she was waiting for something. Miles went up to her, so they all followed him.
'' Hey umm.. Miles... from breakfast? ''
'' Right, whatever. What do you guys want? ''

Brandon placed his elbow on the wall of a cabin '' We just wanted to see why you look so impatient that's all ''
Miles smiled at that . Rue noticed that pure, innocent smile.

She had known Miles since they were six. They met at a playground. Miles stole one of her toys and she started crying. The boy looked at the boy and gave it back to her, apologising, and then he smiled. A sign of a new friendship. Their parents could never separate them since then. You could always see them playing outside, or under a tree, reading. When they weren't together... neither of them felt whole. Miles would always come to Rue's house, bringing boxes of chocolate. They were like twins. Couldn't live without eachother.

Rue noticed that same smile, like it never faded. But she could see it in his eyes. The pain. The guilt. His smile was just a mask for everything.
Gina smiled back and stated '' If you hadn't been distracted by your narcissim, you would have there is an investigation going on. But then again, who cares, right? '' Miles raised a brow '' Of course we care but- '' Brandon cut him off '' But you look... more impatient than the others. ''
She waved her hand '' I guess we all react differently at cold blooded murder. '' and with that, she left, pushing Brandon out of her way.

Brandon let out a laugh '' Harsh '' then he shrugged '' Harvey, mate, you should shoot your shot ''
Harvey roared with laughter '' Me? And Gina? I could have a more interesting conversation with a penguin than with her '' Miles pushed him '' Man, don't insult the penguins! '' . The camp was filled with their laughs now, but it all dissapeared as the boats came back, one of the detectuves carrying a plastic back, with a note on it ' Evidence #1 '' .

Harvey sweared and then he said '' That can't be good '' Rue tried to see what was the evidence '' Is that... '' Kaitlyn covered her mouth and then said '' That- is that... is that ... that is a lot of hair '' .
They all remembered Miles and Harvey pulling their hair out. They all turned their heads of them '' That's bad ''

Ganty came up to them '' We have made big progress into our investigation. My co-workers will spread the word too about the new evidence, as it is important for the case. We have found DNA under the victim's fingernails, which usually implies that he sctrached hus attacker. Good for us. We also found strands of hair, under rocks, even at the place where the body was placed. Another thing, also very good for us, fingerprints on the paddles and all over the boat. We are going to scan them tomorrow.We thought it would be better for you to know. '' he smiled and left.

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