Chapter 1

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Ellie's P.O.V
Hi I'm Ellie snow and I don't have a last name I'm 13 years old my birthday is 31/12/2001 have brown hair and hazel eyes I have a twin brother we're super close I love him so much I have been in this orphanage for 5 years now me and my twin share a room and I really hope that I don't get adopted without my twin and that he doesn't get adopted without me either......AND I LOVE FOOD I am responsible when I need to be I can play the guitar,drums and piano I love to skateboard and aim half tomboy half girly girl .........but I don't cake my face with make-up. Oh and I sing a little and spence can sing to

Spencer's P.O.V
Hi I'm spencer winter don't have a last name brown hair and hazel eyes I'm 13 my birthday is 31/12/2001I have a twin sis her name is Ellie she's wild and sarcastic and she doesn't cry easily so make her cry I'll break your face we share a room and I really don't want to get adopted without Ellie I love her so much I can play the guitar,drums and piano I can skateboard and I guess you could say that I can sing a little?......i don't I
usually sing with Ellie

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