Chapter 7

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Ruby slowly opened her front door walking inside beginning to take off her hoodie. "And where have you been...?" Tai asked with a stern expression. Ruby froze remembering she was way past curfew. "O...oh! H...hey dad...I'm sorry I was late I-" Tai cut of his daughter.
"It's midnight! You were supposed to be back by nine!" Tai shouted his stern expression growing into anger. Ruby was not used to her father yelling "you could've gotten hurt or kidnapped or god knows what else!" Tai shouted. Ruby became a little angry herself "where you with a boy!?" He questioned angrily. Ruby cocked her head up "WHAT! NO I WASN'T I WAS WITH WEISS AND OSCAR!" Ruby shouted clenching her fist. "Don't lie to me young lady!" Tai shouted his tone growing louder. "I'M NOT LYING! I NEVER WANT TO GO WITH A BOY LIKE THAT!" Ruby screamed immediately covering her mouth. Tai looked confused "what...what do you mean you never want to go with a boy like that...? Aren't you going to get married one day?" Tai asked with confusion lacing his voice.
Ruby looked away "I...I...I will get marry but..." Ruby stammered trying to find the words to say.
"But what...?" The blond man asked cocking his brow. Ruby rubbed her arm her gaze glued to the ground. "I don't...I don't like b...boy...I never girls...." Ruby stuttered feeling a weight fly off her shoulders. Tears filled the young girls eyes "I...I was s...scared to tell you....I thought...I thought you would start...hating me..." Ruby admitted her tears falling to the ground.
The crying girl flinched when a pair of arms wrapped around her. Ruby looked up at her father "Ruby...I could never hate you... you're my daughter I will always love you and matter what," Tai said kissing his daughters forehead. Ruby sobbed harder but from happiness instead of sadness. "I love you dad..." Ruby whispered hugging her father tighter. "I love you too my little flower..." Tai whispered back.

Ruby had a long talk with her father and confessed about her relationship with Weiss which Tai agreed with. After there talk Ruby went to her room passing yangs room. Ruby laid onto her bed moving her hair out of her face. Ruby suddenly remembered something important she rushed over to her calendar. "Tommorow's the big game I completely forget!" Ruby whisper shouted to herself as she rushed to her closet. She grabbed her sports uniform draping it over her chair for tommorow. Ruby pulled her phone out of her pocket searching through her contact list. She pressed the number with Weiss's icon putting the device up to her ear.

"Hello?" Weiss answered slightly confused.
"Hey Weiss I just wanted to call because...well... tommorow is the big basketball game...and I would be really happy came and watched me," Ruby muttered sheepishly into the phone.
She heard Weiss chuckle through the phone "I'd love to Ruby you better not disappoint me~" Weiss teased even though Ruby couldn't see her at the time she knew that her girlfriend was smiling.
"Thanks princess...see you tomorrow I...I love you," Ruby whispered into the speaker feeling her stomach fill with butterflies.
"I love you too you big nerd see you soon," Weiss replied hanging up the phone.
Ruby fell back onto her soft bed starring at the ceiling.

Ruby decided to take her skateboard to school. She made it to school taking off her helmet. Ruby spotted Weiss waiting for her looking at her phone.
"Weiss! Over here you look great!" Ruby called walking to her girlfriend.
She was confused when Weiss's face went red as she starred at her in a daze.

 She was confused when Weiss's face went red as she starred at her in a daze

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"Are you ok Weiss?" The concerned girl asked with worry lacing her voice. "Oh! My gosh Weiss your nose are you alright!?" Ruby asked rummaging through her bag looking for a tissue.
Ruby wiped away the blood the two heard other students murdering to each other but, they didn't care. "Better?" Ruby asked throwing away the bloody tissue. The flustered girl merely nodded fiddling with her fingers. "Well anyway I can't wait for you to see my skills not to brag but I'm co-captain for a reason," Ruby chuckled as Weiss's flustered expression grew into a warm smile.
"Yeah...I can't wait," Weiss whispered kissing Ruby's cheek.
"Ok I'll see you after class I love you~" Ruby whispered kissing Weiss's forehead.

Weiss entered the gym with her squad. She looked around the gymnasium at all the cheering students and teachers.
The white haired cheerleader overheard coach glynda talking to Ruby and her teammates.
"Alright red wolves if you all win this we get to go to the nationals we're going against the blue macaws from atlas highschool I believe in all of you let's win this RED WOLVES!!" glynda cheered pumping her fist into the air.
"RED WOLVES!!" The team cheered mirroring their coach.
Weiss cheered for the red wolves as they played with all their strength and determination.
Ruby ran towards the opposite hoop dodging all the blue macaw teammates. One boy in particular stopped her blocking her path. " can you and your shitty team ever beat us...when they have a girl as their leader!" He mocked with a smirk. Ruby didn't let him get under her skin instead passing the ball to her teammate Craig.
Craig dodged two more of the blue macaws passing the ball back to Ruby who leaped into the air dunking the ball right into the hoop scoring the winning point.

 Craig dodged two more of the blue macaws passing the ball back to Ruby who leaped into the air dunking the ball right into the hoop scoring the winning point

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The crowd went wild cheering loudly. The red wolves surrounded their co-captain lifting her into the air.

 The red wolves surrounded their co-captain lifting her into the air

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All the boys put Ruby down where she noticed Weiss running to her. Weiss hummed into Ruby's arms "YOU DID IT! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!" Weiss shouted hugging her girlfriend.
Ruby hugged her back lovingly "thanks Weissy you were great too!" Ruby complimented kissing Weiss's forehead. All the boys noticed and smirk "ohhhhhh~ red wolf found a mate!" They teased using the nickname they all came up with for their co-captain.
The sweaty girls face went red "SHUT UP!!" she yelled stamping her foot.
Coach glynda walked over to Ruby "miss rose you did a great job! I wanted to tell you I'm promoting you to team captain congratulations," glynda said with a proud smile. Ruby smiled widely "Thank you so much coach!" Ruby thanked as her teammates congratulated her. Ruby noticed
the same boy from the blue team who mocked her glaring at her. Ruby just smiled at him looking back to her girlfriend. The two slipped out of the building walking into the cold air. The sun was setting as the two sat on a bench together enjoying each other's company. "Ruby...I love you," Weiss whispered out of the blue. Ruby was processing what the girl sitting next to her said. She snapped out of it "I love you too short-stack...more than anything..." Ruby whispered holding the older girls hand.
Unknown to Ruby is that Weiss had something bothering her on her mind.

"What if...father finds out...he seems more different...I'm probably just being paranoid...I'm sure he doesn't know...


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