Chapter 10

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Weiss awoke instinctively checking her phone for messages from Ruby. Weiss remembered what had happened slowly setting down her phone. She sighed getting out of bed slowly walking to take a shower.

Weiss walked downstairs trying to hide the bags under her eyes. Whitly sat at the table eating his eggs. The boy looked up a sympathetic smile forming on his lips.
"Morning sis how'd you sleep?" Whitly asked as Weiss sat across from him.
"Fine..." Weiss muttered devoid of emotion. Whitly frowned "that's what you said yesterday...are you...sure?" Whitly asked tilting his head slightly. Weiss squeezed her fork as she shut her eyes furrowing her eyebrows. "Whitly...I said I'm fine..." Whitly spat coldly.
Weiss barley ate her breakfast "I gotta go...see you later Brother..." Weiss muttered walking to the front door.

Weiss excited her limo walking into school her gaze glued to the ground. Weiss walked into class sitting down in her seat. No one had come in yet leaving the whole room to herself. It was early so no one had really showed up. Weiss sighed looking over at Ruby's desk "... stupid dork..." Weiss thought resting her head on her desk.
Weiss heard someone enter the room causing Weiss to perk up. The tired girl lifted her head her icy blue eyes meeting the silver eyes of the girl she still loved deeply. A awkward silence fell apon the room as Ruby's pricing silver eyes stared at her. Ruby didn't say anything she just sat down not saying a word. Other students began to enter as class began. Weiss couldn't pay attention the picture of Ruby's beautiful eyes trapped in her brain.

Class ended Weiss walked to the cafeteria to get lunch.
Weiss hot her lunch walking to the stairwell where Ruby tried to confess to her before Tai came in. Weiss didn't feel like eating she was to depressed to do really anything. Her phone rang causing her to grimace when her father's name came up. At that moment Ruby entered the stairwell Weiss didn't hear her. She answered her father's phone call.

"Hello father..." Weiss answered with zero emotion in her cold voice.

"Weiss...just wanted to make sure you...haven't told anyone about our agreement..." He spoke in a chilling tone.

"No father I haven't...." Weiss answered closing her eyes.

"Well I have a little update to our are to marry Mr. Vastilias once you graduate in four months," Jauque said with a strange gleefulness in his voice.

Weiss shot up with panic written on her voice surprising Ruby.

"You will do what I say you little brat! Marrying Neptune will set us for life!" Jauque screamed through the phone.

"But that wasn't in our agreement! You said if I broke up with Ruby that you would leave her family alone! And I don't love Neptune he loves someone else anyway!" Weiss protested.

Ruby was confused and shocked at what Weiss said she leaned in closer to hear what Jauque would say.

"You WILL marry Neptune I don't care if you love that faggot! You're going to marry Neptune and if you don't...than I'll hire someone to...take care...of miss rose," Jauque spoke coldly sending chills down Ruby's spine.

Tears formed in Weiss's eyes "fine...I'll do it...just please don't hurt Ruby..." Weiss pleaded.

Jauque chuckled through the phone "good...see you soon..." Jauque said hanging up.

Weiss broke down falling to the ground. "Goddammit...I' sorry Ruby but I can't let you get hurt..." Weiss muttered wiping her tears away. She turned exiting the stairwell before Ruby could say anything. "Weiss...I won't let you marry him...I'll save you..." Ruby muttered to herself.

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