Chapter 13

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Ruby woke up with a jolt from another nightmare. She groggily got up from her bed washing her face in her bathroom to forget her nightmare.
She jumped into the shower washing her short hair.
She sighed running her fingers through her wet hair. She got dressed walking down the hall to Weiss and whitly's room. They were both already awake and dressed infact they were about to walk out the door. "Oh! Morning Ruby how'd you sleep?" Weiss asked cheerfully as whitly waved walking past them.
"I slept...fine..." Ruby lied scratching the back of her neck. Weiss smiled believing her lie "that's good," Weiss said kissing her lovingly. Ruby enjoyed her lips wrapping her arms around the smaller girl. "C'mon we'll be late for school if we don't go," Weiss said leading Ruby downstairs.
The four teens walked to school witch Weiss had never really done.
Ruby and Weiss hung back as yang and whitly walked ahead talking to one another. Ruby was in a daze starring at the ground the image of her nightmare stuck in her mind. Weiss noticed her dazed expression "Ruby are you ok?" The shorter girl asked worry written on her pale face. Ruby took a moment to find a answer "yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be..." Ruby responded trying to hide her pain. Weiss wasn't satisfied but decided to not push Ruby to telling her. Weiss wanted Ruby to feel comfortable and if she didn't wanna talk about it then Weiss wouldn't push her. They made it to school walking in to the large building. Ruby and the others walked over to the jnpr gang. "Hey guys what's up?" Yang greeted immediately standing next to the golden eye girl. "Hey guys I have to go to chemistry I hate chemicals!" Nora complained leaning into Ren. Ren offered her a small smile "renny will you help me with my homework...?" Nora pleaded the taller pink eyed boy. He offered her a small smile "yes I will...but you have to help me re-dye my hair," Ren said booping her nose. Nora nodded as phyrra and jaune laughed at the two.
All of them began to chat but Ruby couldn't hear them she was to busy in her own mind. Her nightmare flashed in her mind causing her hands to tremble she was taken out of her thoughts by yang tapping her shoulder.
"Yo sis you ok you're spacing out," yang said with worry in her voice. "Y...yeah! I'm f...fine I gotta go...I got basketball practice..." Ruby muttered walking away quickly. All the teens looked among each other with worry "is she alright?" Jaune asked moving his hair away from his face. Weiss looked down "I'm not sure..." Weiss muttered with worry. The bell rang causing all the teens to split to walk to their own classes.

Ruby entered the gymnasium rubbing her tired eyes. Coach glynda and the other red wolves noticed her.
"There she is! Captain of the red wolves ready for practice?" Glynda asked with a smile. Ruby offered a small smile "yeah...I'm ready," Ruby answered getting into position. For a moment during practice she forgot about her nightmare as she dodged her teammates. Phyrra attempted to snatch the ball away but Ruby dodged perfectly. Scoring the ball into the hoop. Everyone cheered as they crowded around the red tipped girl.
Ruby smiled and talked with her teammates out of the corner of her eye she saw Weiss sitting on the bleachers. Excitement washed over her as she excused herself from her team running to her girlfriend.
"Hey Weiss! Came to watch mwah~" Ruby teased sitting down next to her. Weiss rolled her eyes playfully "yep, I like watching you..." Weiss admitted looking away with a blush.
Ruby smiled scooting closer kissing Weiss's cheek "aw babe~ you're so sweet I love it when you watch me gives me an excuse to show of my MUSCLES!" Ruby cheered flexing her muscles. Weiss burst into a fit of giggles "you dork!" Weiss teased through her giggles.
Ruby kissed Weiss's cheek Weiss giggled resting her head on Ruby's shoulder. " smell like a boy..." Weiss teased closing her eyes.
Ruby smirked Ruby noticed Neptune and sun approaching them.
"Hey guys! What's up lovebirds~" sun teased the two boys sitting next to them. "Nothing much how about you guys?" Weiss asked removing her head from Ruby's shoulder.
"We are officially....drum roll please... BOYFRIENDS!!" sun cheered grabbing Neptune's hand. Neptune blushed "aww what's wrong neppy? Embarrassed?" Sun teased poking the taller boys cheek. Weiss and Ruby laughed at the two boys adorable chatter. Sun kissed Neptune's cheek causing the blue haired boy to blush. Ruby smiled their antics reminding her of herself and Weiss. Ruby felt alot better with her friends her nightmare losing its hold on her. Neptune turned to Ruby with shame in his eyes. "Um...Ruby I'm...I'm sorry about everything I did to you...I hope you can forgive don't have to I just wanted to apologise...and I wanted to apologise to you too Weiss..I'm sorry I was a douchebag...but... every since I met sun...he changed me so I hope we can all be friends..." Neptune apologized Ruby was a little surprised. Ruby and Weiss looked at each other a smile forming on their lips. "we forgive you Neptune it's all in the past...friend," Ruby said with a smile. Neptune smiled fist bumping the girl in glasses. Sun and Weiss glanced at each other smirking at their significant others. The bell rang signaling lunch.
"We'll see you lovely ladies later!" Sun said as he waved Neptune followed next to him with a goofy grin.
"They're so cute together!" Ruby complimented as she walked to lunch with the middle schnee. Weiss smiled interlocking her fingers with Ruby's "yeah never thought they'd get together but I guess life can surprise ya," Weiss replied kissing Ruby's cheek lovingly.
Ruby blushed as they made it into the lunch room.

The two girls made it home before yang and whitly. Yang went to the gym to try yoga with Blake. Whitly went out with Oscar to a park to hangout. Ruby fell onto her bed spreading out her limbs for comfort. Weiss watched her roll around on her soft bed with a amused look on her face. Weiss took off her shoes walking over to Ruby's bed. She fell next to Ruby spreading out her limbs just like Ruby. Ruby giggled rolling over and hugging Weiss close to her. "You're's nice..." Weiss whispered cuddling into Ruby like a cat. Ruby giggled "and you're like a ice pack," Ruby replied closing her eyes. Weiss closed her eyes "goodnight stilts..." Weiss muttered letting herself fall into sleeps embrace. "Good night ice queen..." Ruby teased feeling herself falling asleep.


Neptune: I love you sunny~
Sun: awww~I love you too neppy~

Weiss: ship ship ship ship ship
Ruby: ship ship ship ship ship

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