Chapter 11

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Ruby sat on her bed trying to formulate a plan in her mind. She let out a groan of frustration falling back and covering her face. "What do I do...I wanna help her...but how damnit..." Ruby thought as footsteps approached her door. "Hey sis dinners ready," Yang said peeking her head from the hall. Ruby sighed "coming..." She muttered rubbing her sad eyes. Yang frowned "are you alright...?" The older girl asked sitting next to the younger girl.
"'s about Weiss..." Ruby whispered the mention of Weiss's name caused Yang to scowl.
"What about her...?" Yang asked crossing her arms.
"I...may have claimed through her window and...we talked and wasn't her decision...her father made her yang!" Ruby confessed tears immediately filling her eyes. Yangs eyes widened "what...?" The confused blond asked.
"Her bastard of a father made her...he threatened to destroy dad's buisness and...hurt me she did it to save me..." Ruby explained getting up and grabbing her notebook. "I'm thinking of a plan to get Weiss and whitly away from him...but I can't think of anything...any ideas?" Ruby asked tapping her pencil against her notebook.
Yang thought for a moment "what about telling the police?" Yang suggested Ruby thought for a moment before frowning.
"No...that wouldn't work... Weiss's father has connections in the police...they won't do a damn thing..." Ruby muttered with a frustrated sigh. Yang patted her sisters shoulder "I...I didn't know Weiss had such a prick of a father..." Yang admitted with a small hint of surprise in her voice. Ruby sighed "...neither did I..." Ruby whispered her eyes filling with tears. Yang hugged her sister as she cried into her shoulder.

Weiss came into her room her body aching from her father's beating. "I can't take this shit anymore...I have to do something for whitly and me..." Weiss muttered to herself as she bandaged her arms. Weiss got an idea she pulled out her phone texting Ruby.

"Ruby can I come over...?" Weiss texted as she packed a few cloths.

Weiss waited for a few moments before Ruby answered.

"Of course you can I'll be waiting see you soon" Ruby texted back quickly.

Weiss sighed in relief as she finished packing her bag.
Weiss waited for her father to fall asleep before got up. She sneaked through the long empty halls to her brothers room. The quiet girl slowly entered her brothers room "whitly...wake up..." Weiss whisper shouted as she shook her brother awake. Whitly groaned opening his eyes as he sat up "what...?...what time is it...?" The tired boy groaned as he rubbed his eyes. "Pack a bag I'm getting us out of here," Weiss answered tugging her brother out of his bed. The white haired boy nodded his tired eyes filling with determination as he grabbed his bag.

The two siblings snuck through the halls to the front door. Weiss slowly opened the door it creaked loudly causing the two to flinch. They sighed as they ran down the steps running as fast as they could to Ruby's house. The rain poured down on to them drenching them but, they didn't care they were just happy to be away from their father.
The schnee siblings made it to Ruby's home Weiss knocked on Ruby's door. The brunette haired girl answered the door with shock on her face. "Weiss! Whitly come in!" Ruby offered gesturing for them to come in. The two wet teens walked in being meet by the scent of fresh chicken in the air.
Tai and yang came in from the kitchen "hello Weiss, whitly Ruby told me you were coming so I prepared a nice warm meal for you come on in make yourselves at home," Tai said with a warm smile. Yang smiled as well Weiss felt tears of joy well in her eyes. She was finally in a warm loving household it was...overwhelming. "t...thank you Mr. Xiao long...we really appreciate your hospitality..." Weiss thanked wiping her eyes. "The guest room has been made for both of you... I'm happy to house you two for as long as you need," Tai said walking back into the kitchen. Weiss turned to Ruby who had a small, warm smile written onto her face.
"I missed you Weiss..." Ruby whispered small tears lacing her eyes. Weiss dropped her bag running to the taller girl hugging her tightly "I missed you too you big dummy!" Weiss yelled hugging Ruby tighter. Yang smirked with amusement as she glanced at whitly who was also smirking.
"C'mon I'll show you to your room," Ruby offered walking upstairs with the two following.
Ruby opened the door showing the two their room. Weiss and whitly looked around the room in awe the warmth and smell of roses consuming them. "What do you two think?" Ruby asked leaning against the door frame. Tears filled the siblings eyes as they were now in a warm loving home "it's beautiful..." Weiss whispered hugging her brother. "We're home whitly..." Weiss whispered hugging her brother in a tight embrace.

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