Chapter 12

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Ruby awoke first realizing Weiss was lying on top of her her arms wrapped around her waist. Ruby blushed freezing so she wouldn't wake up her sleeping girlfriend. Ruby knew from experience to NEVER wake up Weiss when she was sleeping she did once and it...didn't end well.
Ruby smiled at the memory as she began playing with Weiss's long white hair.
Weiss groaned slowly opening her tired eyes "mmmmmh....Ruby..." Weiss groaned.
"Morning cutie~" Ruby cooed poking Weiss's cheek. Ruby was a little surprised at how warm her cheeks were.
"Weiss are you feeling ok?" Ruby asked with worry written on her face. "I don't...feel so well..." Weiss complained shutting her eyes tightly. Ruby frowned sympathetically she gently set Weiss aside walking swiftly to the bathroom. She grabbed to thermometer walking back to her princess.
"Open wide sweet pea~" Ruby cooed with a sweet smile as weiss opened her mouth. 
After a few moments the thermometer beeped causing Ruby to perk up. She slowly read the thermometer "holy crap! 117! She's so sick no this is bad!" Ruby frantically thought feeling worry wash over her entire body. Ruby began to contemplate on what to do.
"Am...I ok Ruby...?" Weiss groaned as she starred at the taller girl noticing her look of worry. " have a bad fever must be from running in the rain yesterday... don't worry I'll take care you," Ruby reassured kissing her warm forehead. Weiss offered her a pained smile "okie dokie...uggggh..." She groaned clutching her stomach. She bolted up running to the bathroom Ruby slowly followed after her.
Ruby was horrified when she saw Weiss slumped over vomiting violently into the toilet. Ruby rushed to her sick girlfriend holding her close  Weiss stopped puking wiping her mouth.
"Better out than in..." Ruby cooed comfortingly as she stroked her hair to relax her. Weiss groaned leaning into the red tipped girl who smiled warmly. Weiss smiled weakly clutching onto Ruby tightly. "How do you feel?" The younger girl asked "I feel like shit..." Weiss answered bluntly. Ruby chuckled holding Weiss close.
Ruby helped Weiss up leading her back into the bedroom where Oscar and whitly were already awake. "Oh! Hey guys...woah Weiss you look like shit...are you ok?" Whitly said with worry.
Weiss just shook her head "she has a fever...nothing to severe but still not great," Ruby explained leading Weiss to her bed. "Oh that sucks will she be alright?" Oscar asked with worry in his tone. "she'll be time..." Responded Ruby watching Weiss sleep peacefully.
Tai walked in with a kiss the cook apron around his waist.
"Who wants breakfast!?" Tai asked cheerfully. Whitly and Oscar ran past him downstairs "you coming sweetie?" Tai asked. "Can you just bring it here Weiss is sick I gotta take care of her," Ruby asked her father who nodded walking downstairs.
Ruby glanced at her phone going through some old pictures of her and Weiss. Ruby perked up when she heard Weiss muttering something in her sleep " please...I...I love't hurt her...please..." Weiss whimpered in her sleep sweat forming on her forehead as she squirmed in her sleep. Ruby's eyes widened "Weiss...Weiss wake up!" Ruby yelled shaking her gently. Weiss's eyes shot open as she bolted upwards.
She gasped for air as her eyes darted around the room. "RUBY!" Weiss called tears falling from her eyes as she lunged towards the girl in glasses hugging her tightly.
Ruby was a bit taken aback by the gesture as Weiss cried into her shoulder. "Hey...hey...what's wrong...?" Ruby asked with worry on her face. Weiss didn't answer she just continued to cry her grip becoming tighter. "Are you ok...?...please tell me what wrong..." Ruby begged as Weiss sat in her lap. All Weiss muttered was "nightmare..." She whispered in a shaky voice. Ruby's face softened "do you wanna talk about it?" Ruby asked in a soft tone.
" father...he...h...he hurt you...and all....all I could do is was so horrible..." Weiss whimpered as she cuddled close to Ruby for comfort. Ruby's frown turned in a sympathetic but small smile. " know I'm always gonna be with one will take me away from you...I'm not going anywhere weather you like it or not!" Ruby chirped enthusiastically as she brushed away Weiss's hair from her face. "I promise..." Ruby reassured kissing Weiss lovingly witch Weiss gladly returned.

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