Chapter 16

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It had been three days since the whole incidents Ruby was a still a bit shaken by the who incident. Weiss and yang along with whitly tried to comfort her and cheer her up. So far she was doing alot better than the first day. Ruby was released from school for a few days. She mainly sat in her room lying in her bed.

Ruby laid in bed facing the wall sobbing quietly. She flinched when a knock came at her door. She instantly knew who it was due to the tone of the knock it was Weiss. "Come in..." Ruby muttered just loud enough for Weiss to hear. Weiss slowly entered the room with a concerned look on her face. "Hey are you doing?" Weiss asked sitting next to Ruby. "Fine..." The quiet girl responded. Weiss wasn't satisfied with the answer "Ruby...I know you're not ok you can tell me I'm here for you..." Weiss whispered stroking Ruby's hair lovingly. Ruby was silent for a moment before she sighed scooting closer. "I've...been having nightmares... about violet and what she did and...said..." Ruby admitted as Weiss waited patiently for Ruby to continue.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Weiss asked continuing to stroke Ruby's short hair. "I...I'm not really ready...can you just...stay with me please...." Ruby pleaded clutching on Weiss's arm. Weiss shot her a warm grin "I'm not going anywhere...I'm staying," Weiss reassured the girl in her lap.
Weiss felt better when she noticed a small smile grow on Ruby's lips. The two fell asleep in each other's embrace. Yang smiled as she leaned against the doorway as she continued down the hallway.

At the schnee manor

" miss have information about my children's whereabouts please do tell..." The white haired man asked leaning his head on his hand.
Violet smiled "she lives with Ruby Rose...Weiss and whitly live there...the father works all week from morning to evening...they'll be vanrable..."
Jauque smiled "good... you've been a useful asset...thank you," jauque thanked looking out the window. "You can't hide for long Weiss."

Three days later

Ruby and Weiss walked to school together. Yang drove and whitly had a cold. They talked and joked Weiss had noticed Ruby was alot happier. Ruby leaned in and kissed Weiss's cheek out of the blue. Weiss was surprised but liked the gesture but she still was a tsundere and pushed Ruby's face away. Ruby giggled at her little tsundere.
Ruby turned her head and saw a person in a black hoodie watching them. Her heart froze as the person noticed Ruby had saw them. "HEY!" Ruby called chasing after the person. Weiss was confused and shocked at the sudden departure of Ruby but followed. Ruby chased after the hooded figure but she lost them in a crowd. "Damnit..." Ruby panted as she glanced around. Weiss caught up panting slightly "Ruby...why running...?" Weiss panted heavily. "I...saw someone...watching us..." Ruby admitted causing Weiss to perk up. "We should go...I'm sure it was just a creep..." Weiss said grabbing Ruby's arm and leading her back to the sidewalk. Ruby was worried and kept looking back but never saw anyone.
They made it to school they had both calmed down focusing on their lessons.
At lunch Ruby instead of going to the lunch room she walked to the gym sitting on the bleachers. She pulled out her sketch book she couldn't help but sketch Weiss. Ruby glanced towards the locker room door memories flooding back. Ruby let out a shaky sigh as she continued to sketch.
Weiss walked in surprising Ruby "ah! I knew you would be here," Weiss sang sweetly walking up the bleachers to the red tipped brunette. "Hey princess I'm not really hungry so I came here to draw," Ruby said with a sweet smile. Weiss grew curious "what are ya drawing?" Weiss asked leaning in closer. Ruby tried to hide her journal but it was to late Weiss had managed to look at the sketch. "Wow that's really good Ruby," Weiss complimented with a smile. Ruby blushed looking away with a embarrassed small smile "t...thank you..." Ruby mumbled with a blush.
"Can I see more?" Weiss asked cocking her head to the side cutely.
Ruby slowly nodded hand Weiss the sketch book.

Weiss flipped through the book with wow in her eyes. "You're an amazing artist Ruby," Weiss complimented leaning her head on Ruby's shoulder. The silver eyed girl blushed heavily.
"Thank you shorty," Ruby teased with a smirk. Weiss huffed "I'm not short," Weiss huffed crossing her arms. "I wish I was as good as you," Weiss said looking through the book.
Ruby raised a brow "I thought you were an artist?" Ruby asked in confusion.
Weiss smirked "I'm a musical artist not really good at drawing," Weiss explained.
Ruby perked up "c...can you sing for me?" Ruby asked with a embarrassed blush. Weiss smiled "sure," she said thinking for a moment before closing her eyes.

Small tears welled up in Weiss's eyes as she finished. Ruby felt bad for the crying girl. Ruby held her close surprising Weiss who slowly hugged back. "Thank you Ruby..." The crying girl muttered as she clinged to her girlfriend tight.

One day later

School had been cancelled because the science frogs broke free and were loose in the school. Yang was helping Tai at his café so that left the schnee siblings and Ruby. Whitly was playing video games with Oscar while Ruby helped Weiss study. "Ok now you gotta add the y and the x," Ruby instructed with a smile.
Weiss groaned "why the hell did they add letters to math this fucking sucks..." Weiss groaned as she tried adding. Ruby giggled patting Weiss's head lovingly "hey it's ok it simple if you think about it from a different way."
Weiss tapped her pencil on her desk. After Ruby continued to explain it finally clicked in Weiss's mind. The two girls perked up when the sound of the doorbell echoed through the house. Ruby got up walking to the door looking through the peephole.
There was a well dressed man on the other side with a brief case. "Must be a sales man" Ruby thought opening the door.
"Hello there miss is this the Xiao-long household?" The man asked with a large grin that kinda unsettled Ruby. "Yes, can I help you?" The confused girl asked cocking her brow. "I'm a business friend of your father he told me to come drop off this case for him," the man explained with a grin. Ruby not really thinking let the man in.
The man turned to Ruby grabbing a vase on the key table and smashing it against her head causing her to fall to the ground. "Heh gullible kid..." The man muttered with a smirk. Weiss, whitly, and Oscar heard the commotion walking down stairs to check out the commotion. They all gasped at the sight "RUBY!" Weiss screamed in horror. The man turned his head with a sadistic grin. "Ah...Weiss and whitly schnee...your father need you to come home now...and I'm going to do it..." He said in a chilling tone. "BOY RUN AND CALL THE COPS!" Weiss yelled to the two young boys handing Oscar her phone as they sprinted upstairs.
The man charged at Weiss who ran to the laundry room locking the door.
In the hall Ruby tried to get up even though her head was bleeding heavily. She slowly got off the ground stumbling to where Weiss was.
Ruby knew she had to defend her family and her home. She regained her strength and confidence she ran to the fireplace grabbing the fire poker.
She ran to the kitchen where she heard the man screaming for Weiss to open the door.
She ran up to the man raising her weapon in the air. He turned around just in time for his face to meet the poker. He screamed in agony as he held his now slashed face. "NOBODY HURTS MY FAMILY!!" she screamed continuing to beat him with the poker. She stopped when he was unconscious she panted heavily looking at her hands that were covered in the intruders blood. Tears spilled from her eyes when she realized what she had done. At that moment the police burst through the door.
They saw Ruby holding the poker shanking uncontrollably as tears fell from her eyes. She fell to the floor sobbing "one police officer came to comfort her as two went upstairs to whitly and Oscar and three took the man to the hospital.
Weiss came out with worry written all over her face. She saw Ruby covered in blood shaking as a cop tried his best to comfort her and take care of her wound. "Ruby...?" Weiss spoke in a shaky voice.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..." Ruby repeated as she sobbed. Weiss slowly knelt down beside Ruby with worry on her face as she embraced Ruby.

"I'm sorry......"


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