Chapter One

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Chapter One
A Kook in Pogue's Clothing

Word Count: 2.9k 

"This is Adara. She's the newest of us Pogues. We sometimes call her Add, which is funny cause she hates math, but she usually is the one to add something to the conversation. She's kind of shy and quiet, but by hanging out with us more she'll get over that. She doesn't show it, but she's almost as smart as Pope. She's an amazing cook and doesn't hesitate to stand up for others if it's really needed. She doesn't talk much about herself, but that doesn't bother anyone. She can be a total babe, one that unfortunately has JJ pining over her."


I turned off my phone, groaning at the lack of service. I poked my head out my door before slowly and quietly making my way downstairs. Everything was surprisingly quiet for the day after a huge hurricane.

My hand rested on the main door's doorknob as I paused, waiting to hear if anyone else was making their way over. The coast was clear.

"Where are you going?" I jumped and turned around so quickly I probably could have gotten whiplash.

"Wheezie, what are you doing up so early?" I asked my little sister.

The girl pushed up her glasses. "I could ask you the same thing." That line earned an eye roll from me. "Dad's gonna kill you if he finds out you're sneaking out right after a hurricane. We all have to help clean up."

I sighed and shook my head. "Dad doesn't-" I stopped myself from finishing that sentence. Dad doesn't give a shit about what I do. I couldn't tell her that. "It'll be fine. I'm gonna be home to help, I promise."

Before any other words were spoken to protest, I said a quick goodbye and rushed out the front door. I grabbed my bike from the side of the house, pulling branches and leaves off it, after which I hop on and ride off.


The familiar Chateau came into view, causing me to slow down before jumping off my bike and setting it on the ground by the entrance. This place was more of a home to me than my actual home.

There was one fairly large tree that was downed out back and a shit ton of branches scattered all around the place. 

"Agatha did some work, huh?" JJ's voice was loud, considering he most likely just woke up. None of the Pogues usually wake up before 10 it seemed.

I made my way around to the back without walking through the house.

John B pulled a cluster of branches off the HMS Pogue, climbing in to clean it out better. "Yeah, she did."

The two boys had their own little conversation as I watched from a distance, neither of them spotting me yet. It wasn't like that was uncommon. I don't know what it was, but something about me made me easily unnoticeable and forgettable. Maybe it was because I looked like every other teenage brunette.

JJ moved from his place by the backdoor, over closer to John B. It was not even noon and he already had a beer in hand. 

I couldn't help but watch the blonde. I had only been with the group for maybe about a month, but they made me feel like I had known all of them for years. Especially him. He never failed to make me laugh, and, though I wouldn't mention it to anyone, blush. Like now, staring at his bare toned chest didn't prevent heat from making its way to my face.

I had to shake it off quickly. I don't know when the boys would notice me, but I sure as hell didn't want it to be when I was drooling over JJ.

"Are you two done jerking each other off?" I finally spoke up, walking up to the boat, and making my presence known.

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