Suspicion And Scrutiny

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Idk what's wrong w/ me, especially cause the movie came out like almost a year ago, but the whole time I was prepping this chapter for post, I was listening to Lost In The Woods, and Show Yourself from Frozen II on repeat. That's just how it be sometimes I guess😳

Anyway, do y'all watch YouTube? Who are your favorite YouTubers?

My favorite is definitely between Ryan Higa and Nux Taku, but rn I'm mostly watching Dream and George.

We only stan Minecraft in this household🤚

Regardless, please enjoy some badass Midoriya in the mean time


"We need more people like you. Natural talent and malice can be hard to come by. With you, I think I've struck gold.

"The League has a mole. That's why I haven't spoken with you in a few days. At this point, we don't know who we can trust. I've had to start from square one, delving deeper into my personnel's backgrounds, searching for any connections to hero agencies or former friendships that might signal espionage. I simply didn't know if I could trust you. Don't take it personally."

A mole, huh? Took them long enough. "That was how the last raid was intercepted." Midoriya pondered aloud, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I can think of a few leads already."

"They're all dead ends. I've had every last loose end and suspicion inspected and scrutinized. Our mole is very good at what they do. And my guess? They've been here a lot longer than any of us originally suspected. I'd presume 3 or 4 months. They've just been lying low and gathering intel."

A mole; Midoriya couldn't picture anyone at the League with enough talent and patience to sneak around under his nose for 4 months unnoticed. But that was because there was no possible culprit; no one in the League was that accomplished.

"How did you know that you could trust me?" Midoriya asked, suddenly curious about what type of intel Shigaraki had gathered on him.

"I don't. For all I know, you could be the mole. You certainly have the faculties needed to pull it off. But, I'm entrusting you with this because I've got a hunch." Midoriya duly noted that Shigaraki never specified whether his hunch suggested his innocence, or his guilt.

"We have a mission coming up; I want you on recon. I've had a few guys working on a Quirk enhancing serum for a few years now, and they've nearly perfected the formula, but they need a guiding hand to transcend perfection. A famously renowned scientist was recently imprisoned after being caught experimenting with Quirks. It was nothing too serious; she's in for a few offenses of inhumane research or something along those lines. However, my sources say she's been doing much more than research of late. She could help us refine the serum, and with access to a drug like that, the League could be nearly untouchable."

Nearly untouchable... Midoriya felt his stomach twist into a knot.

"Her bail is announced on the 12th, and she's got deep pockets. We can't risk her fleeing from Japan when she's discharged, and waiting to see if we can recruit her will take too long. So instead of approaching her with a job offer, we're simply going to break her out of jail and force her to do our bidding."


"I thought I told you to shut the hell up." Shigaraki scolded, but it was half-hearted. He had never been a sprightly man.

"So we're going to break this scientist out of jail, and using her expertise, perfect a Quirk enhancing serum to help us deafest heroes? Sounds like a blast. That still doesn't cover our mole problem, though. What if they spill about the mission?"

"You're right. That's why this is going to be a modest job, with only our best men. The fewer people who know, the better. Got it?"

"Yes, sir." Midoriya said, somewhat mockingly.

"Now, get out of my face before I lose my patience. You're like a fucking puppy, always jumping around and pissing on my plans." Shigaraki mumbled. Midoriya wasn't sure if he was supposed to have heard that last part.

As he walked over the broken glass from his cup, letting it crunch beneath his soles, he paused at Shigaraki's words:

"Check yourself, Midoriya. I'll be watching you."

For a fleeting moment, Midoriya was caught off guard. What did that mean? Was Shigaraki suspicious of him being the mole? On what grounds was that assumption even based off of? No one here knew anything about his past; he'd made sure of it. So that couldn't be it. Was it his 'hunch'?

If Shigaraki was skeptical of Midoriya's connection to the mole, why would he announce that he would be watching him? That would alert him to the League's doubts, and if he were the mole, now he would know to stop reporting intel.

But, if he were the mole, and he suddenly stopped relaying information, then the League would know the mole had gone quiet, condemning and further proving the League's suspicions that he in fact was the mole.

But, if he were the mole, and he kept reporting information, now the League would be watching him, and he could be caught in the act.

Shigaraki had backed him into a corner.

At least, he thought he had.

3 seconds passed before Midoriya said, "Who isn't?"

Then he waltzed out of the room.


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