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Today was the day. The day he was buried. The day he never came back. Hoseok had worked so hard to get better. To Finally go back to being normal.

But like dust all of his progress swept away. The urge to break everything filled every inch of his mind. Hoseok was upset, he couldnt save him.

It was like a reminder that he failed him. That he wasnt there for him.

Hoseok didn't remember when he had grabbed a pillow and threw it across his room. Or when he grabbed the mang plushie that laid on his bed almost in a taunting matter and threw him too. He didn't remember slamming his head into the wall and crying. He didn't remember the screaming, the agonizing cries he let out dropping to the floor.

Didn't remember going into his closet spilling his clothes everywhere. Didn't remember grabbing the picture frame of his family -- bts group picture -- and throwing it. The sound of glass crashing ringing in his ears like a broken radio.

But Hoseok remembered hearing muffled screams. Just barerly loud enough.

Please...door...open the....Hoseok..

He remembered the loud banging and the sound of a thud. His door.

He remembered two pairs of arms wrapping around him saying comforting words. He remembered the weakness that rushed over him. His eyes felt too heavy.
His arms felt too heavy.

He felt too heavy.

Your okay....okay...your...alright...we promise..

Namjoon and Yoongi watched as Hoseok's body went limp in their own arms.

Their eyes immediately finding eachother.
Worry washing over their bodies.

Things could've went really wrong if they weren't there.

So many things.

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