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Taehyung shifted in his seat, he was uncomfortable. He did not expect these people to come in. They felt familiar yet not at all.

"Hello Mr. Park and Mr. Jung, thank you for coming." The doctor said in his still gentle voice.

Mr Yoon was the only doctor that kept pushing to help Taehyung. He had dealt with many patients like him and had a soft spot for them.

He had read the reports on what had happened.

"The incredibly famous superstar V from bts had abused his friend until suicide after a car accident that left him paralyzed."


"Cruel, straight from hell."

"BTS disband due to death of a member."

"He was a monster."

The doctor believed there was something beyond. He had seen the band. His daughter was obsessed with V and showed him videos of V and he saw how much of a sweetheart he is. How naturally loving he seemed toward his friends. How could that young man push his friend to suicide.

He had checked some brain scans from the crash and he had noticed something weird. Something had changed during the reports. As if they were scans from different people. He suspected something but he needed to find a way to trigger the cause.

So he had police give him his phone to check for information and he had seen messages to mostly 2 people.

Park Jimin and Jung Jungkook.

So he went on call to convince them to come and visit. They had quickly denied but after some persuading they had said yes.

So here we are.

The doctor took ahold of the sudden change in Taehyung's behavior.
He had seem to be disassociating completely as he stared at his old friends.

"Taehyung?" The doctor said gently. He watched as Taehyung looked at him and giggled. A sound that had left the entire room silent until he spoke again.

"Is not someone else guess!" He said, his famous boxy smile revealing itself.

The doctor smiled. He had figured it out.

"So whose the host? V?"

Taehyung quickly nodded no.

"Is TaeTae!"

The doctor nodded slowly in order to not scare the little in the room. He gently stood up.

"TaeTae in going to talk to this two gentlemen and we will be right back but you must stay here. Like a mission!"

TaeTae giggle.


The doctor led the two very confused men outside.


The doctor took a deep breath.

"Taehyung has a mental disorder called Dissociative identity disorder, in short terms DID. It usually occurs when a person has a trauma that was beyond impactful and the brain could not handle it so it created different identities to make it easier. I know this is a lot to take in but you must understand this disorder is very hard."

Jimin and Jungkook stood stunned.

"So what does this mean?..."

We Didn't Mean It Hyung | The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now