Chapter 6

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Taehyung stared confused, when you aren't the host or aren't the one controlling what Taehyung does you don't know what happens outside your head. Like if your in a deep sleep and unless your in sub conscious or sharing how to control Taehyung you don't know what happens out side your 'sleep'.
Taehyung is happy right now and he calls that side happy. That's the name 'Happy' it may seem like a weird name and too literal but it all makes sense in Taehyung's brain.
The 'real' Taehyung doesn't exactly exist right now, well he does but let me explain. Taehyung's emotions are split up but if they were to combine them all together that will make the 'real Taehyung' but since the incident, taehyung had been split up.

The one who has been 'controlling' is what the rest of the identities like to call '순수 악' or 'pure evil'. Everyone has an evil side and it seems that evil side took control and that's why Taehyung was like that to Jin and manipulated everyone but it wasn't Taehyung's fault really.

Alright back to the story.

Jimin and Jungkook were getting frustrated from Taehyung's 'innocent' act. They didn't believe that the old Taehyung was there and Jimin was ticked off and sow was Jungkook.

"Yah! Tell us the truth Taehyung what happened to you!" Jimin yelled slamming his fist on that table causing Taehyung to fall back on the floor. Taehyung was very scared at how they were acting. They have heard of the members a bit from 'pure evil' but they don't know what he had done.

Taehyung decided to fight back.
"I don't know what you're talking about! I wasn't there when anything happened! He was controlling not me! Please don't yell at me.." taehyung yelled back. He was getting sensitive now.

"Who is he." Jungkook asked getting face to face with Taehyung.


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