Chapter 13

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After hours and hours of crying they all calmed down. Though Jungkook passed out on top of Hoseok.
They stopped hugging and looked at eachother and started laughing for some reason. Then it died to smiles.

"God I miss all of you." Yoongi said quietly.
"Me too!" Jimin said as he got up to hug yoongi.
Yoongi didn't deny Jimin's hug and hugged him back. Hoseok was still disappointed but they finally apologized but who they should be apologizing too should be Jin.
"I'm still disappointed in you guys for lying to me but..I am thankful you finally told me and I forgive you but the one you should be asking for forgiveness is not me but Jin." Hoseok said looking at all the members then he looked at Jungkook and he started worrying.
"Jungkook!" He asked poking him.
Jimin looked to see Jungkook fainted on the floor.
"Oh my god!" Jimin quickly ran to Jungkook. He picked him up and set him on the couch. Jimin has always been taking care if Jungkook because since that day he has been starving himself and harming himself so Jimin had to take care of Jungkook.

"Are you guys hungry and can order some food and if you would like you can stay over since it's dark out." Jimin said sniffing since he has been crying. Everyone in the room had red puffy eyes and a stuffy nose.

Hoseok was really hungry and nodded, that made Yoongi and Namjoon really happy that he willingly ate because it is rare to see Hoseok willingly eat.
"What do you guys want to eat?" Jimin asked taking out his phone.

"Can we get hamburger and Sprite please?" Hoseok asked with a smile.
Everyone in the room laughed and smiled remembering Hoseok loves Sprite.
"Of course so Burger King?" Jimin suggested.
"Yea!" Namjoons said smiling happy that after so many years the members were finally together happy.

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