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An alarm sounded, making me groan and curse my brother,James. He's surely the one responsible for this.

I sat up groggily and stretched. My body felt cold suddenly, I'm naked? Then, I looked around and saw that I wasn't in my apartment.

Oh shit.

Someone groaned beside me. I looked at the source of sound and saw a hot girl who was also naked.

She smiled at me, taking a deep breath. "Good morning.", she greeted.

I gave her my signature smirk,laying back down again. "Morning.", I replied.

"Who set up the alarm?", I asked.

"I did. I have classes at 7:30.", She answered, tracing my abs.

College girls.

"Oh, then you should get ready...", I trailed off. Damn, I forgot her name.

The girl rolled her eyes. "It's Megan, Jake.", she said, ready to get out of bed.

I held her wrist, getting up. "Sorry, let me make it up to you.", I said seductively.

Megan turned around and pushed me on the bed, straddling me. She rolled her eyes then sighed. "Fine, i still have time."

Then she kissed me, hard and rough.


" I need to go get ready now.", she said.

"Okay.", I said, reaching down to get my clothes and leave.

I opened the door to our apartment, which was the penthouse of the most expensive condo in our city. Our parents were loaded; they were both the top businessmen of the country.

"James?", I called out.

I heard a groan and some shuffling inside his room.

Soon, he came outside with this hot chick.

"Morning Jake.", James greeted as he made breakfast.

"Morning Jamie.", I greeted back, "So.... Who's this?", I asked him, eyeing the girl whom I bet is fanning herself inside because there are two hot dudes in her presence, and pouring three glasses of orange juice for us.

"Her name's Jenny. We met at the club last night.", he answered, setting three plates of bacon and eggs on the kitchen counter.

I just nodded, eating breakfast quickly and hurrying to my room. My brother should be outside being all lovey-dovey with this girl.

Unlike me, he seeks love and affection, but also sex. I only seek one night stands, unless the girl is good in bed, and sex.

I took a shower and dressed. Our class started at 9.

Finally, I heard the door open and close, letting me know that the girl is gone.

I went out of my room and got my backpack from the study room.

"Let's go, Jamie.", I said, walking out of the door.

We arrived at school in our Ducatis; mine was pure black while Jamie's is red and has flames on the side, and parked at our space. James went straight inside. Immediately, a girl clung to me. I was surprised to see it was none other than the popular Ashley.

"Hey, James.", she greeted.

"Wrong twin.", I said, rolling my eyes. Nobody really knew the difference.

"Oh,sorry Jake.", Ashley smiled flirtatiously.

I shrugged. "What do you want?", I asked.

"Wanna take me out to a date tonight?", She asked, batting her eyelashes at me.

I smirked and pretended to think about it, then shrugged. "Sure.", I agreed.

Ashley squealed, composed herself, then slipped a piece of paper in my back pocket seductively. "Pick me up at 6.", she whispered against my ear.

I grinned as she walked away, her hips swaying.

"Damn man, was that Ashley?", I heard a familiar voice whistle.

I turned around and fist bumped with my best friend, Reyver. I looked beside him and, of course, Sam was there. I smiled at her.

"Yeah man.", I shrugged.

The warning bell rung then, cutting our reunion short.

"See ya later, Jake.", Reyver waved, going down the hallway to Sam's classroom.

"Bye man.", I said, walking towards my class too.

After basketball practice, I hung out with Reyver and Sam, then went home.

James was already there inside the study room.

"I need you to keep Megan occupied tonight, Jamie.", I said to my brother. "After I'm done with Ashley, I'll switch places."

James just rolled his eyes, but I knew he would do it. After he's done with whatever he is doing right now. Homework, I think.

I shuddered just thinking about the invention, I mean who even invented homework? I hate it, it keeps you thinking of school even when you're already out of the damn place.

I shrugged. Oh well, I don't care. At least I got a 'date' tonight with the hot Ashley.

Good day,guys! This is my first story, so yeah...

Comments and suggestions are appreciated.

Tyler Posey as James and Jacob Winston.

Jacob's pic is provided from google images. He and James look exactly the same, but James has eyeglasses.

"****" means restricted, but the restricted versions of my stories will be on another book.

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